[erlang-questions] Extracting detailed information from TypEr/Dialyzer

Edmond Begumisa ebegumisa@REDACTED
Wed Nov 3 18:50:15 CET 2010

This is looking good, and useful.


- Edmond -

On Thu, 04 Nov 2010 04:09:59 +1100, Joseph Wayne Norton  
<norton@REDACTED> wrote:

> Edmond -
> FYI.  There is a new UBF user's guide currently being drafted on github.
>    http://norton.github.com/ubf/ubf-user-guide.en.html
> There are still (well mostly all) quite a few empty sections that  
> haven't been started yet.  Nevertheless, an ABNF definition of UBF(A),  
> UBF(B), and UBF(C) is in the appendix.   The ABNF definition is complete  
> and accurate with the github repository.
> thanks,
> On Thu, 04 Nov 2010 01:58:12 +0900, Edmond Begumisa  
> <ebegumisa@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Here's an example of what I mean. Here is a UBF(B) contract copied from  
>> Joe's UBF page (http://www.sics.se/~joe/ubf/site/quick.html)...
>> +NAME("file_server").
>> +VSN("ubf1.0").
>> info()         = info;
>> description()  = description;
>> services()     = services;
>> contract()     = contract;
>> file()         = string();
>> ls()           = ls;
>> files()        = {files, [file()]};
>> getFile()      = {get, file()};
>> noSuchFile()   = noSuchFile.
>> +STATE start
>>         ls()      => files()     & start;
>>         getFile() => binary()    & start
>> 		 | noSuchFile() & stop.
>> 	info()        => string();
>> 	description() => string();
>> 	contract()    => term().
>> (you can find the corresponding state machine implementation is  
>> http://www.sics.se/~joe/ubf/site/eserve.html)
>> ... you could achieve the exact same thing with gen_fsm combined with  
>> TypEr/Dialyzer (I was doing just that), but the advantage to using the  
>> UBF(B) contract instead is this info is declared in one place, as you  
>> design and code away, then verified at runtime by the UBF(C) contract  
>> checker. I find this approach more declarative and self-documenting.  
>> IMO, state machines written against a UBF contract are much easier to  
>> write, maintain, debug, document and modify than those written with  
>> gen_fsm.
>> Of course, to make use of this, you have to migrate to UBF(A) encoding  
>> for the actual messages between processes. This usually only makes  
>> sense if you're crossing OS process boundaries, and probably too costly  
>> for communication between Erlang processes in the same VM instance.
>> Actually, there's an idea: maybe someone should write a contract  
>> checker for gen_fsm that uses ordinary Erlang-terms rather than UBF(A)  
>> encoding. This could then be used in the same VM instance without much  
>> cost and make working with gen_fsm more dependable by allowing you to  
>> declare how the state-machine is supposed to behave and cross check  
>> that against how it's actually behaving -- a major frustration I've had  
>> when using gen_fsm.
>> - Edmond -
>> On Wed, 03 Nov 2010 20:35:13 +1100, Torben Hoffmann  
>> <torben.lehoff@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> Hi Edmond,
>>> I am a bit confused by your statements since my problem was about
>>> documentation of an _existing_ gen_fsm.
>>> It might be my ignorance about what UBF can offer that is causing this  
>>> (read
>>> Joe's payer a while ago).
>>> As I understand UBF it allows you to specify what a component does so  
>>> that
>>> others can interact with it in a sensible manner and you can figure  
>>> out if a
>>> given component implements a given contract - or am I missing the point
>>> here?
>>> I actually thought about using UBF, but when I looked at it it seemed  
>>> a bit
>>> to immature for a mission critical system, maybe that have changed by  
>>> now.
>>> Do not get me wrong, I firmly believe in specifying protocols and UBF  
>>> seems
>>> like a very interesting thing to use, but in a real life situation you
>>> sometimes have code that you want to extract information about and  
>>> this was
>>> the problem I was faced with.
>>> If I understand you right you are no longer using gen_fsm, right?
>>> How do you piece together your software then?
>>> I use the OTP supervisor structure all the time due to the obvious  
>>> benefits
>>> of a battle tested framework, but I would not mind adding another tool  
>>> to my
>>> tool box!!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Torben
>>> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 10:20, Edmond Begumisa
>>> <ebegumisa@REDACTED>wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I don't know how immediately useful this is (perhaps something to  
>>>> keep in
>>>> mind), but one of the attractive understated things about UBF is that  
>>>> you
>>>> define all this information in one place for both easy
>>>> configuration/protocol-definition and reading/self-documentation...
>>>> http://www.sics.se/~joe/ubf/site/quick.html<http://www.sics.se/%7Ejoe/ubf/site/quick.html>
>>>> https://github.com/norton/ubf
>>>> So far, I haven't regretted switching from gen_fsm to UBF(C)
>>>> - Edmond -
>>>> On Mon, 01 Nov 2010 05:58:35 +1100, Tomas Abrahamsson <
>>>> tomas.abrahamsson@REDACTED> wrote:
>>>>  On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 09:00, Torben Hoffmann  
>>>> <torben.lehoff@REDACTED>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I want to extract the following information from a gen_fsm:
>>>>>>  - all the states
>>>>>>  - the incoming events
>>>>>>  - possible next states
>>>>>> but I want to do it per function clause and not only on the function
>>>>>> level
>>>>>> as TypEr and Dialyzer does it.
>>>>> One way to do that is to copy each function clause into a
>>>>> separate function.  Then one can run TypEr on the expanded
>>>>> code.  Attached is an escript that does such an expansion
>>>>> of exported functions of arity 2 and 3, and also of
>>>>> handle_event, handle_sync_event and handle_info. The script
>>>>> accepts -I and -D options for include paths and macro
>>>>> definitions, just like erlc,and prints the expanded program
>>>>> on stdout.
>>>>> I've tried plotting state machines from the output of TypEr
>>>>> when run on the expanded results, and it seems to do reasonably
>>>>> well. I haven't done any thorough verification.
>>>>> It doesn't solve all of your problems: it doesn't find any
>>>>> outgoing messages, and it has the same limitations you
>>>>> already indicated when returning from a function clause in
>>>>> different ways, so I guess the results are roughly what
>>>>> you already seems to have, or what Vance's drawing tool
>>>>> already produces.
>>>>> Somehow being able to make more use of TypEr's
>>>>> knowledge about a file would be really interesting,
>>>>> for example to be able to query it for type information
>>>>> given various execution paths through the program,
>>>>> if it would be possible.
>>>>> BRs
>>>>> Tomas
>>>> --
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