[erlang-questions] Dialyzer type complexity limit

Kostis Sagonas kostis@REDACTED
Wed Mar 17 01:36:10 CET 2010

Bernard Duggan wrote:
> Hi all (especially the dialyzer folks),
>     In running dialyzer over our code, we're striking what appears to be
> the limit of type complexity.  Specifically, we have a type which is
> composed of 29 different possible atoms, but evidence suggests that
> dialyzer is collapsing the type down to just atom(), since we can assign
> any atom to record elements of that type without dialyzer throwing a
> warning.  That behaviour remains until I reduce the number of atoms down
> to 23 at which point incorrect assignments are picked up.
>     I'm presuming this is the "union limit" referred to in the paper
> "Practical Type Inference Based on Success Typings", though 23 atoms
> seems (to my mind, at least) like a fairly small limit.  I looked around
> but couldn't find any specific details on what that limit is or how it's
> calculated (since I understand that it probably wouldn't just be a
> simple number when you're dealing with integer ranges etc).
>     So I have three questions:
> * Am I right in my assessment of what's going on?

More or less right, but I am a bit confused by your 23 -- I thought it 
was actually a bit less than that -- 13 to be exact.

> * Is there an "easy" way (for some definition of "easy"), either through
> external configuration or in the source code, to adjust this limit?  A
> quick scan through the source code showed me only that the people who
> wrote it are much smarter than me ;)

Yes, we are ;-)  We've succeeded in hidding this in a place nobody would 
possibly search for...  in a file called erl_types.erl.  Anyway, change 
the following line to a number you do not feel confident it matches your 

lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl:-define(SET_LIMIT, 13).

and re-compile the file.

> * Is it possible to get a notification or something when a type is being
> treated more broadly than its strict definition?

The answer is "yes, of course it is possible" but doing this in the near 
future is of quite low priority to us.


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