[erlang-questions] A future for gs?
Doug Edmunds (gmail)
Sun Jun 20 07:01:20 CEST 2010
I've been putting together a wxErlang tutorial. Might help you
some if you go that route.
At http://wxerlang.dougedmunds.com
- Doug Edmunds
On 6/14/2010 11:19 PM, Michael Turner wrote:
> Regretfully, I'm starting to look at wx again, but I find it only reminds me
> far too much of what I disliked about GUI programming in C++. If you
> already know the wxWidgets API from some other language, the very similar
> Erlang bindings might seem like a Godsend. But if you just want to get a
> GUI up and out of the way (my goal), and you don't have that wdWidgets
> background, it all just seems verbose, over-parameterized, encyclopedically
> overwhelming. (IMAO, anyway -- I've done Mac programming, Windows
> programming, and hated every minute of GUI programming on both.)
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