[erlang-questions] interesting I/O bottleneck

Nicholas Frechette zeno490@REDACTED
Tue Jun 1 16:58:20 CEST 2010

That function doesn't appear to be tail recursive and might contribute to
the poor performance. You could probably rewrite it in <1min to make it tail
recursive with a lists:reverse at the end. Chances are it might be faster.


On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 9:31 AM, James Hague <james.hague@REDACTED> wrote:

> I've got an application which reads through directory trees, compares file
> dates, sorts lists of files, that sort of thing. I'm not loading files so
> much as calling file:list_dir and file:read_file_info. It's slower than I
> expected it to be, so I ran it through eprof. The result is that over 55%
> of
> the time is spent in file:file_name. Even functions I expected to be
> slightly expensive, like building a dict of all the filenames in a tree,
> are
> irrelevant in comparison.
> file:file_name looks like this:
> file_name(N) ->
>    try
>        file_name_1(N)
>    catch Reason ->
>        {error, Reason}
>    end.
> file_name_1([C|T]) when is_integer(C), C > 0, C =< 255 ->
>    [C|file_name_1(T)];
> file_name_1([H|T]) ->
>    file_name_1(H) ++ file_name_1(T);
> file_name_1([]) ->
>    [];
> file_name_1(N) when is_atom(N) ->
>    atom_to_list(N);
> file_name_1(_) ->
>    throw(badarg).
> I didn't realize until looking at the source that a filename can be a deep
> list of characters and atoms. If it was an iolist, then the entire function
> could just go away, but that wouldn't handle atoms. As it stands, this
> function is surprisingly expensive.

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