[erlang-questions] erlang:exit/1 eats lots of CPU time
Maxim Treskin
Tue Jan 5 17:51:36 CET 2010
May be I have some missinterpretation of this analyse info?
2010/1/5 Mazen Harake <mazen.harake@REDACTED>:
> Hi,
> I think what Jayson is trying to say is:
> How long is "total CPU time"? 1 microsecond or 10 hours or somewhere in
> between?
> R,
> /M
> On 05/01/2010 14:04, Maxim Treskin wrote:
>> Yes. This process consumes 12% of total CPU time. erlang:exit/1
>> consumes 99% of 12% of total CPU time. Whole system contains several
>> such processes which eats CPU on exit.
>> 2010/1/5 Jayson Vantuyl<kagato@REDACTED>:
>>> What's the total time here? I see that erlang:exit/1 is 99% of that
>>> process's time, and that process is 12% of total time, but how long are we
>>> talking about here? I've seen results like that for short tests in a tight
>>> loop. So, it's 99% of 12% of what?
>>> On Jan 4, 2010, at 10:02 PM, Maxim Treskin wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> I have tested software with Eprof. eprof:analyse() prints log which
>>>> contains following strings:
>>>> ****** Process<0.229.0> -- 12 % of profiled time ***
>>>> erlang:exit/1 1 99 %
>>>> Erlang node whith this process really eats CPU time, so it is not a
>>>> some bug of eprof. May be it is due to garbage collection of process
>>>> data on exit? Increasing of min_heap_size up to value which really
>>>> used by process has no effect.
>>>> How I can decrease CPU time consumption on exit for this process?
>>>> Thank you
>>>> --
>>>> Maxim Treskin
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Maxim Treskin
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