[erlang-questions] application:start crash, bug?
Wes James
Mon Aug 23 18:03:11 CEST 2010
I see you still have had no response on this. Maybe the start is
happening to fast for the stop to complete? Does the application:stop
have its own thread to complete or does it complete before the next
line, in this case, application:start get executed? How does erlang
handle each line of code when they are executed?
On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 10:29 PM, Alisdair Sullivan
<alisdairsullivan@REDACTED> wrote:
> the sequence:
> application:start({application, crypto, [{mod, {crypto_app, []}}]}),
> application:stop(crypto),
> application:start({application, crypto, [{mod, {crypto_app, []}}]}).
> results in the following error:
> {"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,{{badmatch,false},[{application_controller,handle_application_started,3},{gen_server,handle_msg,5}]}}
> and a hard crash. It doesn't matter which application I attempt to start, I encounter this error with all of them.
> I realize using application:start in this manner is undocumented, but from looking over application_controller.erl, I can't locate the source of the error. Any insight?
> Alisdair
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