xmerl and selecting attributes

Ralf Doering rdoering@REDACTED
Tue Sep 8 12:21:31 CEST 2009


seems I've got a problem selecting the value of an attribute from an XML tag.

Consider the following short example:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---


	[ xslapply/2, value_of/1, select/2, built_in_rules/2 ]).


start() ->
    {XmlElement, _Rest} = xmerl_scan:string("<test myattr=\"123\" />"),

template( E = #xmlElement{name='test'}) ->
    Attr = value_of(select("@myattr", E)),
    io:format("MyAttribute: ~w~n", [Attr]),
    xslapply(fun template/1,E),

template(E) ->
    built_in_rules( fun template/1, E).

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

When running this, I get:

(emacs@REDACTED)13> xmerl_test:start().
MyAttribute: []

I was expecting that value_of(select("@myattr"),E) would extract "123" as
attribute value. Am I wrong here, do I use the wrong XPath for this?

Ralf Döring                        |   NetSys.IT GbR
Networking & Security Solutions    |   www.netsys-it.de  
rdoering@REDACTED              |   Tel.: +49 (3677) 20 35 15

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