[erlang-questions] mnesia:transform_table

Håkan Mattsson hawk.mattsson@REDACTED
Wed Nov 25 14:40:21 CET 2009

It looks like you have done the right thing. Perhaps you have
simplified your code too much in order to post it on the list?

I tried to reproduce your error, but it worked for me.
See the printouts and the test program below.


16> foo:go(foo).
Before: [{old,7,49},
Before: [{new,7,49,42},


-record(old, {key, val}).
-record(new, {key, val, extra}).

go(Tab) ->
    {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(Tab, [{attributes,
record_info(fields, old)},
					     {record_name, old}]),
    [mnesia:dirty_write(Tab, #old{key = K, val = K*K}) || K <- lists:seq(1,10)],
    io:format("Before: ~p\n", [ets:tab2list(Tab)]),
    Transformer =
	fun(#old{key = Key, val = Val}) ->
		#new{key = Key, val = Val, extra = 42}
    {atomic, ok} = mnesia:transform_table(Tab, Transformer,
					  record_info(fields, new),
    io:format("Before: ~p\n", [ets:tab2list(Tab)]).

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 2:07 PM, andrew mmc <andrewmmc@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello,
> I needed to change the structure of an mnesia table.  I followed the example
> in the documentation:
> -record(old, {key, val}).
> -record(new, {key, val, extra}).
> Transformer =
>   fun(X) when record(X, old) ->
>      #new{key = X#old.key,
>           val = X#old.val,
>           extra = 42}
>   end,
> {atomic, ok} = mnesia:transform_table(foo, Transformer,
>                                      record_info(fields, new),
>                                      new)
> Substituting the record names and field mappings as per my
> requirement. The transformation function works fine when I test it on
> a record of the old type, outputting the new record ok.
> However, now when I try to read from the new table, mnesia reports
> no_exists, and the old table still exists but reads as empty...  Where
> has my data gone?!
> Any help much appreciated!
> Regards,
> Andrew

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 2:07 PM, andrew mmc <andrewmmc@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello,
> I needed to change the structure of an mnesia table.  I followed the example
> in the documentation:
> -record(old, {key, val}).
> -record(new, {key, val, extra}).
> Transformer =
>   fun(X) when record(X, old) ->
>      #new{key = X#old.key,
>           val = X#old.val,
>           extra = 42}
>   end,
> {atomic, ok} = mnesia:transform_table(foo, Transformer,
>                                      record_info(fields, new),
>                                      new)
> Substituting the record names and field mappings as per my
> requirement. The transformation function works fine when I test it on
> a record of the old type, outputting the new record ok.
> However, now when I try to read from the new table, mnesia reports
> no_exists, and the old table still exists but reads as empty...  Where
> has my data gone?!
> Any help much appreciated!
> Regards,
> Andrew

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