[erlang-questions] gen_tcp very slow to fetch data

Robert Virding rvirding@REDACTED
Sat Nov 21 01:10:07 CET 2009

The call to io:format is wrong as it is missing an argument to print with
~p. So it will print the "BinData: " leader and then crash. I am guessing
you meant it to be:

io:fornat("BinData: ~p~n", [BinData]),

You should have got a warning from the compiler.


2009/11/21 zabrane Mikael <zabrane3@REDACTED>

> Hi List !
> While trying to learn how to write a simple TCP Web Server in Erlang which
> only dump what it gets to stdout, I realize that time to time, the HTTP
> requests get truncated when reaching the server. My main socket loop looks
> like:
> -------------------------------------------
> -define(TCP_OPTIONS,[binary, {packet, 0}, {active, false}, {reuseaddr,
> true}]).
> ...
> loop_recv(Socket)
>   case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0) of
>        {ok, BinData} ->
>             %% here, I'm assuming that all the HTTP request (Headers +
> Body) is in "BinData". Hope I'm right.
>             io:format("BinData: ~p~n", []),
>             ok;
>        NotOK ->
>            error_logger:info_report([{"gen_tcp:recv/2", NotOK}]),
>            error
>    end.
> -------------------------------------------
> For some requests, the "io:format" prints a truncated data (in BinData):
> <<"
> http://www.foo.tv/images/v30/LoaderV3.swf?loop=false&quality=high&request=357&HTTP/1.0
> \r\nHost:
> www.foo.tv\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5;
> fr; rv: Gecko/2008090512 Firefox/3.0.2\r\nAccept: text/h">>
> As you can see, the request isn't complete "... Accept: text/h".
> Am I doing somthing wrong? How can I fix it please?
> Regards
> Zabrane

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