package namespaces question

Angel Alvarez clist@REDACTED
Tue Nov 10 20:10:13 CET 2009

Hi Guys!

Im currently reading erlang archives from 2004

On 10/05/2004 Someone talked about package namespaces ("Is erlang too small" thread) so i decided to just test this "new2 erlang knowledge.

iv just borrowed some little code from a gs article... :-)

the module starts like this:

init() ->
    S = gs:start(),
    Win = gs:create(window, S, [{width, 350}, {height, 100}]),
    gs:create(button, quit, Win, [{label, {text, "Quit"}}, {x, 0}]),

so on the erlang shell gui:init(). just runs the example..
So i changed the module to use package style names...

init() ->
    S = gs:start(),
    Win = gs:create(window, S, [{width, 350}, {height, 100}]),
    gs:create(button, quit, Win, [{label, {text, "Quit"}}, {x, 0}]),

and moved the gui.erl to $PWD/angel/test/gui.erl

> sinosuke@REDACTED:~/Datos/Docs/Personal/Erlang/Code/angel/test> erlc gui.erl
> cd ../../
> sinosuke@REDACTED:~/Datos/Docs/Personal/Erlang/Code/ 

but now firing at the shell results in :

sinosuke@REDACTED:~/Datos/Docs/Personal/Erlang/Code> erl
Erlang R13B01 (erts-5.7.2) [source] [rq:1] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.7.2  (abort with ^G)
1> angel.test.gui:init().
** exception error: undefined function '':start/0
     in function  'angel.test.gui':init/0

What's wrong? 
Is needed the same convention on the rest of modules 
after you start using package name styles?


"m2:g(X) becomes a call to 

If this is not what was intended, the call can be written explicitly, as in 

    f(X) -> fee.fie.foe.m2:g(X)."

it seems bit embarrasing, i think is why perhaps no one is using this feature 5 years later...

Thanks Angel
No imprima este correo si no es necesario. El medio ambiente está en nuestras manos.
    Clist UAH a.k.a Angel

Tú lo compras, yo lo copio. Todo legal.

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