[erlang-questions] Why Beam.smp crashes when memory is over?

Jayson Vantuyl kagato@REDACTED
Mon Nov 9 18:40:55 CET 2009

You could run two Erlang VMs (thus, keeping the HTTP connection and  
its state separate).  Then the crasher wouldn't take the other one  
down.  One with the processing and one with the networking, and have  
them communicate via distributed Erlang.  You should still ulimit beam  
to keep the other one from getting OOM-killed though.

Assuming you can get the throughput you need, this also would  
decompose some of the components, which might helps scale horizontally  

On Nov 8, 2009, at 9:08 PM, Max Lapshin wrote:

> Look, I have a program, that reads MPEG TS stream from network. There
> is some bug in my code
> and my ts_lander crashes beam. How is it possible to store state of
> external HTTP stream??
> If Erlang VM wouldn't crash, but only kill the leaking process, I
> could buffer stream in other process and feed
> new mpeg ts lander after restart. But it is impossible =(
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