splitting binaries on a separator

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Thu May 28 15:17:31 CEST 2009

Is there a more efficient way of splitting binaries on a separator  

	Thanks, Joel


split_bin(Sep, Bin) ->
     split_bin(Sep, byte_size(Sep), Bin).

split_bin(Sep, SepSize, Bin) ->
     case Bin of
         <<Sep:SepSize/binary, Rest/binary>> ->
             {ok, <<>>, Rest};
         _ ->
             split_bin(1, Sep, SepSize, Bin)

split_bin(N, Sep, SepSize, Bin)
   when N < byte_size(Bin) ->
     case Bin of
         <<Bin1:N/binary, Sep:SepSize/binary>> ->
             {ok, Bin1, <<>>};
         <<Bin1:N/binary, Sep:SepSize/binary, Rest/binary>> ->
             {ok, Bin1, Rest};
         _ ->
             split_bin(N + 1, Sep, SepSize, Bin)

split_bin(_, _, _, Bin) ->
     {more, Bin}.

Mac hacker with a performance bent

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