[erlang-questions] mnesia memory isn't freed after search ?
Leon de Rooij
Sun May 24 22:34:08 CEST 2009
Hi all,
I'm doing some tests with Mnesia, trying to load a milion records and
read them, but apparently memory isn't freed after I do a search. After
a few searches my whole erl shell crashes :(
At the end of this mail is the module I wrote with a test that breaks
when run multiple times and attached is an image of graphs from the
system monitor of Ubuntu.
I started erl (R13B) with:
+A 128
-smp enable
-mnesia dump_log_write_threshold 50000
-mnesia dc_dump_limit 40
I did the following things:
(every peak in the image of CPU history is a search)
1> breakage:init(). % at ~300 sec
2> breakage:fill_table(1000000) % from ~250 to ~225 sec
..some warnings about mnesia overload..
3> breakage:list_users(). % from ~190 to ~175 sec
4> breakage:list_users(). % from ~165 to ~155 sec
6> breakage:list_users(). % from ~145 to ~130 sec
7> breakage:list_users(). % from ~120 to ~105 sec
8> breakage:list_users(). % from ~95 to ~85 sec
9> breakage:list_users(). % from ~80 to ~70 sec
10> breakage:list_users(). % from ~65 to ~50 sec
11> breakage:list_users(). % from ~40 to ~30 sec
12> breakage:list_users(). % from ~25 to ~20 sec
Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 3563526520 bytes of memory (of type
I don't understand why memory usage isn't the same after as before
list_users() is called.. Actually, the third time when list_users() is
called, the memory drops a bit and then goes back to the level of before
the first search! Is Erlang caching variables even though they went out
of scope ?
I understand it's not wise to read so many records at once, but better
do it in small batches. But still, I assume that if memory isn't freed
after a large search, it won't be after a small one either, it's just
less noticable then, right?
I tried running fill_table(N) with smaller values and then let
quick_break() run for half an hour or so, but it didn't crash then -
also didn't see a noticable memory increase. (Up to 800k goes alright,
850k and up breaks)
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong ?
thanks & kind regards,
Leon de Rooij
-record(user, {username, attrs=[], params=[], vars=[], groups=[]}).
init() ->
mnesia:create_table(user, [
{disc_copies, [node()]},
{attributes, record_info(fields, user)}]).
fill_table(N) ->
F = fun(C) ->
attrs=[{"ak1", "av1"}, {"ak2", "av2"}],
params=[{"pk1", "pv1"}, {"pk2", "pv2"}],
vars=[{"vk1", "vv1"}, {"vk2", "vv2"}],
groups=["group1", "group2"]
lists:foreach(fun(Z) -> F(Z) end, lists:seq(1,N)).
list_users() ->
mnesia:dirty_match_object({user, '_', '_', '_', '_', '_'}),
quick_break() ->
quick_break(I) ->
io:format("iteration ~p~n", [I]),
-------------- next part --------------
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