starting application after a set_env variable

Roberto Ostinelli roberto@REDACTED
Sat Jun 20 11:23:26 CEST 2009

dear all,

i'm starting an application which i need to dinamically configure.

therefore, in the file, i set an empty list as env:

{application, my_app,
	{description, "My App"},
	{vsn, "0.3"},
	{env, []},
	{mod, {my_app, []}}

then, before starting the application, i set the env variables i need,  

application:set_env(my_app, var1, "value").

then i start the application with application:start(my_app), and in  
the start/2 function of my_app i have:

start(_Type, _StartArgs) ->
	{ok, Var1} = application:get_env(my_app, var1),

so, basically i use Var1 as parameter of my_sup, which is my top level  

i can see that Var1 is correct within my_app:start/2, because if i  
print it out it corresponds to the string "value".

however, the application fails to start, and i get the following:


=INFO REPORT==== 20-Jun-2009::11:12:35 ===
     application: my_app
     exited: {shutdown,{my_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
     type: temporary

if, instead, i set the var1 in the file, without changing  
ANYTHING in the code, everything works correctly:

{application, my_app,
	{description, "My App"},
	{vsn, "0.3"},
	{env, [{var1, "value"}]},
	{mod, {my_app, []}}

is there some kind soul to tell me what i'm doing wrong?

thank you in advance,


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