[erlang-questions] Gen supervisor query...
Edwin Fine
Mon Sep 22 13:26:37 CEST 2008
Hi Dan
The first thing that comes to mind is, does the generic_tcp_server register
itself? If so, the second one will fail to start. Do you see any error
messages? I find if you start SASL before you run your program, you may get
better error information (application:start(sasl), or -boot sasl on the
command line). Anotyher possibility is, could one of them have died before
you looked in appmon? What does your output/error log look like?
The other thing is, instead of explicitly looking in registered() for your
connection monitor, you coud just use whereis():
case whereis(?CONNCOUNTER) of
undefined -> % Not registered
register(?CONNCOUNTER, spawn(fun() -> counter(0, MaxConnections)
error_logger:info_msg("TCP server <~p> started TCP connection
monitor.~n", [self()]);
Pid ->
"TCP connection monitor (~p) already registered as ~p
Hope this helps.
2008/9/22 <Dana.RUBINO@REDACTED>
> Hi all,
> I have a simple supervisor setup which is watching two worker processes.
> Now I have created the init method as such:
> init(Args) ->
> [{port,Port},{maxconns, MaxConnections},{sockethandlermod,
> SocketHandlerMod}] = Args,
> Registered = registered(),
> case lists:any(fun(X) -> X =:= ?CONNCOUNTER end, Registered) of
> true ->
> error_logger:info_msg("TCP connection monitor (~p) already
> registered...SKIPPING~n",[?CONNCOUNTER]);
> false ->
> register(?CONNCOUNTER, spawn(fun() -> counter(0,
> MaxConnections) end)),
> error_logger:info_msg("TCP server <~p> started TCP connection
> monitor.~n", [self()])
> end,
> GenTcpServer1 =
> {'GenTcpServer1',{generic_tcp_server,start_link,[Port,SocketHandlerMod]},
> permanent,2000,worker,[generic_tcp_server]},
> GenTcpServer2 =
> {'GenTcpServer2',{generic_tcp_server,start_link,[Port,SocketHandlerMod]},
> permanent,2000,worker,[generic_tcp_server]},
> {ok,{{one_for_one,0,1}, [GenTcpServer1, GenTcpServer2]}}.
> N
> othing fancy going on there - I would expect this supervisor to start both GenTcpServer1 AND GenTcpServer2 given two speca have been returned?
> For some reason it is only starting one when I look in appmon etc.
> Any thoughts?
> Many Thanks,
> Dan
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