[erlang-questions] a little meta-programing help
anders conbere
Mon Oct 6 00:15:26 CEST 2008
Today I sat down to try to make working with mochiweb a little cleaner
for myself. I wanted a way to specify a list of mappings between url
patterns and methods to be called with the matched variables from
them. I quickly ran into issues with not being able to create patterns
dynamically, and then tried using funs to wrap that functionality but
pretty soon I was back at the same mess I started with.
This is kind of my "if the world were perfect" module (that doesn't
work at all but I hope might show what I was going for).
I was hoping folks might help be think up some ways to handle use
cases like this.
-define(VIEWS_MODULE, roto_web_views).
routes() ->
url(["version"], version),
url(["register"], register),
url(["node", NodeName, "messages"], messages),
url(["node", NodeName, "messages", Id], message),
url(["node", NodeName, "messages"], subscriptions),
url(["node", NodeName, "messages", Id], subscriptions)
url(Pattern, View) ->
{route, Pattern, View, View}.
url(Pattern, View, Name) ->
{route, Pattern, View, Name}.
% should take a request, find the matching url config and pass
% the matched variables into the function specified in the url
% config for that entry.
call(Req) ->
Path = string:tokens(Req:get(path), "/"),
match_route(Path) ->
%does something fancy with routes() to get to the function
% I want to call and call it with the matched variables
~ Anders
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