[erlang-questions] cacherl memcached app startup problem question
Gleb Peregud
Sat May 31 12:00:33 CEST 2008
On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 12:50 AM, db <masterofquestions@REDACTED> wrote:
> I am not sure what the problem is. Mnesia directory actually gets
> created at /var/mensia/cacherl@REDACTED but there is no content.
> Is this something to do with disc_copies and any reason for using
> disc_copies rather than ram_copies? Another question, does cacherl
> work with mysql memcached engine?
> [a@REDACTED cacherl]# ./start.sh
> Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.1 [source] [smp:2]
> [async-threads:30] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]
> Eshell V5.6.1 (abort with ^G)
> (cacherl@REDACTED)1>
> =INFO REPORT==== 30-May-2008::17:16:51 ===
> Creating mnesia table ns_default
> =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 30-May-2008::17:16:51 ===
> Supervisor: {local,memcached}
> Context: start_error
> Reason: {{badmatch,
> {aborted,
> {bad_type,ns_default,disc_copies,
> 'cacherl@REDACTED'}}},
> [{memcached_mnesia,init_mnesia_table,2},
> {memcached_mnesia,init,1},
> {gen_server,init_it,6},
> {proc_lib,init_p,5}]}
> Offender: [{pid,undefined},
> {name,memcached_mnesia},
> {mfa,{memcached_mnesia,start_link,[]}},
> {restart_type,permanent},
> {shutdown,2000},
> {child_type,worker}]
> =CRASH REPORT==== 30-May-2008::17:16:51 ===
> crasher:
> pid: <0.69.0>
> registered_name: []
> exception exit: {shutdown,{memcached,start,[normal,[]]}}
> in function application_master:init/4
> initial call: application_master:init(<0.6.0>,<0.68.0>,
> {appl_data,memcached,
> [memcached,memcached_mnesia],
> undefined,
> {memcached,[]},
> [memcached,memcached_mnesia,
> memcached_stats,memcached_util,
> memcached_purge,memcached_reader],
> [],infinity,infinity},
> normal)
> ancestors: [<0.68.0>]
> messages: [{'EXIT',<0.70.0>,normal}]
> links: [<0.68.0>,<0.6.0>]
> dictionary: []
> trap_exit: true
> status: running
> heap_size: 377
> stack_size: 23
> reductions: 87
> neighbours:
> =INFO REPORT==== 30-May-2008::17:16:51 ===
> application: memcached
> exited: {shutdown,{memcached,start,[normal,[]]}}
> type: temporary
> =INFO REPORT==== 30-May-2008::17:16:51 ===
> started TCP listener on
> --
> rk
> That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that
> the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our power to do is
> increased.
> -Ralph Waldo Emerson
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What system do you use? Is this Cygwin/WinXP? Anthony Kong had exacly
the same problem on Cygwin/WinXP and as far as i know was unable to
find the source. Anthony, may you comment on this issue? Having two
similar cases it would be easier to cope with this problem.
> Another question, does cacherl
> work with mysql memcached engine?
I've never worked with mysql memcached engine, but as an answer i'll
quote myself:
Cacherl is fully compatible with original memcached, hence you can
just replace your memcached with cacherl and it should work out of the
box, regardless language your application is written in and libraries
it uses.
Hence it will probably work :)
Best regards,
Gleb Peregud
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Time waits for nobody.
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