[erlang-questions] Sometime it's the simple stuff...

Nick Gerakines nick@REDACTED
Mon May 5 09:40:22 CEST 2008

This is what I came up with. Keep in mind its late.

%% @spec url_from_ip(IpTuple) -> string().
%% where
%%       IpTuple = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}
%% @doc Stringify a url out of an ip.
%% Use: url_from_ip({10, 0, 100, 1}).
url_from_ip(IpTuple) ->
    "http://" ++
    lists:foldl(fun(A, "") -> A; (A, Acc) -> Acc ++ "." ++ A end, "",
[integer_to_list(X)|| X <- tuple_to_list(IpTuple)])
    ++ "/".


# Nick Gerakines

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 6:56 AM, Dave Bryson <daveb@REDACTED> wrote:
> I need to take an IP address in the form of "[{10,0,1,100}]" and
>  create an http URL like this:  "".  I've tried using
>  io_lib:format and successfully generated a list.  But, the inets http
>  client  doesn't  like the format and complains of a malformed URL.
>  What's the easiest way to convert an IP to the String version?
>  Thanks!
>  Dave
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