[erlang-questions] Eunit multinode test help.

fess fess-erlang@REDACTED
Thu Jan 31 01:53:42 CET 2008

Where is the best place for questions about eunit?  I can't find any  
hints of mailing lists or forums [ except a comments trail http:// 
support.process-one.net/doc/display/CONTRIBS/EUnit which looks  
inappropriate. ]

Running the following test:

start_node_fixture_test_() ->
   { Node, Host } = split_node(node()),
   S  = Node ++ "_slave",
   RN = erlang:list_to_atom( S ++ "@" ++ Host),
   { node, RN, { setup,    { spawn, RN },    fun  
     fun start_node_test_cleanup/1,
       % w/out the list eunit doesn't run test_1 on remote node?
       fun start_node_test_1/0

I get the following error:

*unexpected termination of test process*

and I'm at a loss.   Any help is greatly appreciated.

The full code and output follow.
erl -sname $$ -pa ../src -boot start_sasl
(24078@REDACTED)1> c(eunit_node_test).
(24078@REDACTED)2> eunit_node_test:test().

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 30-Jan-2008::16:34:32 ===
           supervisor: {local,inet_gethost_native_sup}
              started: [{pid,<0.62.0>},{mfa,{inet_gethost_native,init, 

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 30-Jan-2008::16:34:32 ===
           supervisor: {local,kernel_safe_sup}
              started: [{pid,<0.61.0>},
setup is on: '24078@REDACTED'
cleanup is on: '24078@REDACTED'

*unexpected termination of test process*

   Failed: 0.  Aborted: 0.  Skipped: 1.  Succeeded: 0.

the code follows:

---- BEGIN eunit_node_test.erl ---
-include_lib ("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").

start_node_fixture_test_() ->
   { Node, Host } = split_node(node()),
   S  = Node ++ "_slave",
   RN = erlang:list_to_atom( S ++ "@" ++ Host),
   { node, RN, { setup,    { spawn, RN },    fun  
     fun start_node_test_cleanup/1,
       % w/out the list eunit doesn't even try to run test_1 on  
remote node? weird.
       fun start_node_test_1/0

start_node_test_setup() ->
     io:format(user, "setup is on: ~p~n", [ node() ]).

start_node_test_cleanup(_) ->
     io:format(user, "cleanup is on: ~p~n", [ node() ]).

start_node_test_1() ->
     io:format(user, "Where does this go: ~p~n", [ node() ]).

split_node(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
   split_node(atom_to_list(Node), []).
split_node([], UseAsHost )    -> { [], UseAsHost };
split_node([ $@ | T ], Node ) -> { Node, T };
split_node([ H | T ], Node )  -> split_node(T,  Node ++ [H] ).
---- END eunit_node_test.erl ---

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