[erlang-questions] Speeding up text file I/O

Dmitrii 'Mamut' Dimandt dmitriid@REDACTED
Mon Jan 7 15:20:19 CET 2008

Florian Weimer wrote:
> Is there a way to read lines from a text files more quickly than the
> excerpt below?  This runs over 100 times slower than a "wc -l":
As a matter of fact, there is. It is possible to do up to 20 MB/s using 
Erlang only.

Here's the original post: http://gaperton.livejournal.com/11736.html

It's in Russian, so here's a quick recap:

You can use the raw option to get access to the file driver directly. 
And if you use binaries, nothing gets copied/freed/copied/freed etc.

So, we are going to use a file in raw mode using block of given length.

First we'll write a function that'll search for a symbol in a binary 
real fast. Here it is:

find_8( Buffer, Char ) -> find_8( Buffer, Char, 0 ).
find_8( Buffer, Char, Pos ) ->
    case Buffer of
        << _:Pos/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:1/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 1;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:2/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 2;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:3/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 3;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:4/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 4;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:5/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 5;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:6/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 6;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:7/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 7;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:8/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 8;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:9/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 9;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:10/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 10;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:11/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 11;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:12/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 12;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:13/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 13;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:14/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 14;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:15/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 15;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:16/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 16;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:17/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 17;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:18/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 18;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:19/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 19;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:20/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 20;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:21/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 21;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:22/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 22;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:23/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 23;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:24/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 24;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:25/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 25;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:26/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 26;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:27/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 27;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:28/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 28;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:29/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 29;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:30/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 30;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:31/bytes, Char:8, _/bytes >> -> Pos + 31;
        << _:Pos/bytes, _:32/bytes, _/bytes >> -> find_8( Buffer, Char, 
Pos + 32 );
        _ -> not_found

Scary, huh? I've unwound the loop so that the compiler could generate a 
long piece of native code, with optimal arranging of the pattern 
matches. This wotks well with only 8 lines, but for me an extra 10% of 
performance is a big win.

Let us now create a function that splits a binary on a given character:
%% split_char( binary(), byte() ) -> { binary(), binary() } | not_found
split_char( Buffer, Char ) ->
    case find_8( Buffer, Char, 0 ) of
        not_found -> not_found;
        Pos ->
            << Before:Pos/bytes, _:8, After/bytes >> = Buffer,
            { Before, After }

we're almost ready to go on with implementing a get_lines of our own. 
It's getting really interesting. Hardcore Erlang:
%% file_reader( File, Len ) -> Handle
%% Handle = { NextF, binary() } | eof
%% NextF = fun() -> Handle
file_reader( File, Len ) ->    file_reader( File, Len, << >> ).
file_reader( File, LenI, BufferB ) ->
    NextF = fun() ->
        case file:read( File, LenI ) of
            { ok, DataB } -> file_reader( File, LenI, DataB );
            eof -> eof
    { NextF, BufferB }.

This function returns an "iterator". An iterator to the data blocks 
(since we are reading our data in blocks). This returns a tuple, whose 
first element is the current block and first element is a function that 
takes no args but simply returns the next block when called.

Now, here comes our get_line function:
get_line( { NextF, BufferB } ) ->
    case split_char( BufferB, 10 ) of
        { LineB, RestB } -> { { NextF, RestB }, LineB };
        not_found ->
            case NextF() of
                eof -> { eof, BufferB };
                Handl_1 ->
                    { Handl_2, LineB } = get_line( Handl_1 ),
                    { Handl_2, << BufferB/bytes, LineB/bytes >> }

That's it. The funny thing is that the get_line function we got knows 
nothing about files. It knows that it needs to call the function to get 
the next block. We can actually plug in any source of data we want.

Let's test the function on a 821-megabyte file on a  iMac G5 1,9 GHz:

tf( Name, Len ) ->
    { ok, Fl } = file:open( Name, [ read, raw, binary ] ),
    tf_loop( file_reader( Fl, Len ) ),
    file:close( Fl ).
%% where
tf_loop( eof ) -> done;
tf_loop( Hnd ) ->
    { Hnd_2, _ } = get_line( Hnd ),
    tf_loop( Hnd_2 ).

Buffer size (bytes)    256    1024    4096    8192    16384
default        91,3    53,6    44,1    42,1    41,7
read_ahead        60,6    44,9    42,1    41,2    40,9
async            265,2    102,1    59,2    46,9    44,6
async, read_ahead    59,7    45,7    42,6    41,7    40,3

default means no async threads or read ahead. You should use read ahead 
with async threads when doing active i/o. You should also keep the 
buffer size above 1 kilobyte. 4 kb should be sufficient for most tasks

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