[erlang-questions] gen_tcp:send(Sock, SmallPacket) issue

David Mercer dmercer@REDACTED
Wed Jun 20 00:13:33 CEST 2007

>  > Admittedly, in my network programming, I hardly ever do anything with
>  > TCP ack other than log it.
> I'm not aware of any socket interface in unix which lets you see those
> acks, short of a packet sniffer. Are you sure you're logging TCP acks
> and not something else? If so, how?

Windows, using MS Winsock.  SendProgress event fires for each ack for each
packet; SendComplete event fires when all acks have been received for every
packet in a send.  Sometimes I ignore them, sometimes I log them (normally
as a result of previous debugging of network issues).


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