[erlang-questions] inets - http:request with invalid host

Sanjaya Vitharana sanjaya@REDACTED
Mon Jun 4 09:11:52 CEST 2007

> Uh, why what happens, precisely? As far as I have understood (which
> could of course be wrong), you are knowingly making a request to a
> non-existent IP address? If so, you should of course expect it to fail.

I knowingly make request to a non-existent IP address, to find why my server
crashed when making Asynchronous request to non-existent IP address. So I
can handle the error and fix this. But if the Asynchronous request not
giving any output as expected how the error handles ?

Anyway, I did it because application developers can give the URLs with
non-existent IP address when they test their codes. But IVR core with the
XML Server should not crash when this happens. Also I believe that we should
reply them with any error (such as non_existent_ip, invalid_ip ... etc)


Sanjaya Vitharana

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