[erlang-questions] Erlang Extension Proposals (EEPs)
Dominic Williams
Thu Feb 1 11:35:01 CET 2007
Hi Per, and everyone,
> In conjunction with the Erlang User Conference 2006 there
> was a workshop concerning the future development of
> Erlang.
I attended the workshop, and was very pleased about the
decision to have a process for language evolution. Thanks
for taking the initiative to get things moving.
> 1. We need to have some EEP editors
> 2. We need an e-mail address for the EEP editors, I have
> suggested eeps@REDACTED
> 3. We need tools to generate html from EEPs. I have altered
> some of the python tools to acheive this, but the
> resulting script is very brittle and probably won't work
> for most EEPs
> 4. We need a subversion repository to keep track of the EEPs
> The draft for EEP 1 can be found at:
> http://user.it.uu.se/~pergu/eep/eep-0001.html
I have read the draft and have several suggestions for
simplifying the process.
1) I don't see any use for informational and process
EEPs. Let's just have plain EEPs.
2) The suggestion made at the workshop was just to use the
erlang-questions mailing list. Why have a eeps@REDACTED
address ? Let's keep the process open and simple. EEP
candidates can just be posted to erlang-questions.
3) It was mentioned at the workshop that requiring an
reference implementation might be too strict a
requirement. It certainly seems to me that such a
requirement rather shuts out the user community from
being involved. Requiring a section /about/
implementation suggestions or details should be
4) There is a simple way to avoid completely all the hassle
of having a special format, a version repository, using
tools to convert to HTML and so on: just hyperlink to the
erlang-questions archive. We just need a plain EEP web
page, with a table roughly like this:
N° Title Status
1 Reified environments Draft
2 Whatever Draft
Each "status" word would simply be hyperlinked to
whichever post to erlang-questions had allowed the EEP to
achieve that status.
With such a scheme, several /existing/ posts in the
archives could already be given draft status.
With such a simplifications, all we need to start are the
members of the committee. I think the open source user
community should be represented, maybe by voting for
a certain number of representatives ?
Best regards,
Dominic Williams
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