[erlang-questions] Measuring GC pressure and memory efficiency
Joel Reymont
Fri Dec 14 12:37:50 CET 2007
I would like to measure the memory efficiency of the following module.
I suppose this would tell me how much pressure it puts on the GC,
except it may not because it uses binaries.
How do I measure the amount of temporary binaries each function
generates as well as the total amount of garbage?
Thanks, Joel
P.S. This is code written by Julian Fondren for this thread:
-export([new/1, new/2, new/3, get/2, put/3, size/1, elt_width/1]).
new(Size) ->
new(Size,Init) ->
new(Size,Init,Width) when Size > 0, Width > 8, Width rem 8 == 0 ->
new(0,_,W,B) ->
<<W:32, B/binary>>;
new(N,I,W,B) ->
new(N-1,I,W,<<I:W, B/binary>>).
get(N,<<W:32,B/binary>>) when N > 0 ->
Before = W * (N - 1),
<<_:Before, X:W,
_/binary>> = B, X.
put(N,X,<<W:32,B/binary>>) when N > 0 ->
Before = W * (N - 1),
<<Bef:Before, _:W, After/binary>> = B,
<<W:32, Bef:Before, X:W, After/binary>>.
size(<<W:32, B/binary>>) ->
erlang:size(B) div (W div 8).
elt_width(<<W:32, _/binary>>) ->
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