[erlang-questions] how to quelch lc warnings?

Ulf Wiger (TN/EAB) ulf.wiger@REDACTED
Thu Apr 12 15:02:17 CEST 2007

Richard Carlsson wrote:
> There is a simple way of suppressing the warning: insert a 
> dummy generator that controls how many repetitions you want:
>      [X || _<-[1], ...Tests...]
> if Tests fail, you get [], otherwise [X]. This can be used 
> for duplication as well:
>      [X || _<-[1,2], ...Tests...]
> will yield [] or [X,X], and
>      [X || _<-lists:seq(1,N), ...Tests...]
> yields [] or [X, ..., X] (X repeated N times).

That's probably a nice convention, also indicating
that you didn't just forget the generator.

Ulf W

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