[erlang-questions] Proxy authentication with inets

Michael McDaniel erlangX@REDACTED
Fri Sep 22 16:43:20 CEST 2006

On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 10:19:34AM -0400, Serge Aleynikov wrote:
> Though I haven't tried it, would the following work for the hostname?
> "username:password@REDACTED"
> Serge
> Dmitrii Dimandt wrote:
> > Documentation show that http:set_options/1 allows only the following for 
> > proxy:
> > 
> > {proxy, {HostName, Port}} where HostName = string(), Port = integer().
> > 
> > How can I force inets into accepting a username and a password for the 
> > proxy as well? If it is at all possible, of course.
> > 
> > Thank you

 Or (also untested) perhaps the proxy will accept and pass
 the HTML Authorization header ?


 I do something like the following in one application ...

 case (catch http:request(post,
  {"https://" ++ ServerName ,
     {"Date", httpd_util:rfc1123_date()} ,
     {"Host", ServerName} ,
     {"REALM",  "blah"} ,
     {"API_VERSION", "ver:5.1"} ,
     {"Authorization", "Basic " ++ http_base_64:encode(UPW)} ,
     {"Accept", "text/xml/html"},
     {"User-Agent",  "custom blah client"}
    ] ,
     "text/xml; charset=utf-8" ,
   } ,
   [{keepalive, false}, {nodelay,true}] ,
   [])) of

       {ok, Result}    ->
                      {ok, Result} ;

       {error, Reason} ->

             ... etc. etc.

 The application server (ServerName) in this case interprets the 
 Authorization information.

 I am guessing the proxy (in original question) would pass the
 headers through (though, as mentioned, I have not tested this).


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