[erlang-questions] Erlang now in the railway industry

Fri Sep 8 11:49:21 CEST 2006

Hi all,

Just a note to let you know that I have completed
final delivery (i.e. no more bugs and customer 
payment in full) of a 100% Erlang app to be deployed 
in the Lyons metro in France (lines A, B, C). 

This industrial app is responsible for computing 
train arrival times for all stations on the line in 
real time, taking perturbations into account. In a few 
months, it will be coupled with LCD screens on each 
platform to display the computed values to passengers.
The customer was /very/ surprised with this new software 
that "never crashed once".

I would like to thank everyone on the list for the

Now repeat after me:

       > NOT <
       a telco-only thing!"


-- Alex Betis

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