chandru chandrashekhar.mullaparthi@REDACTED
Tue Mar 14 21:16:05 CET 2006

On 14/03/06, Ryan Rawson <ryanobjc@REDACTED> wrote:
> JMS is an API actually - it doesn't really provide much in the way of
> anything in terms of implementing or working code straight up.

I realised that after reading the JMS spec. As with most things about
Java, it doens't quite live up to it's name.

> Vendors like tibco (with their rendevouz product) and others supply an
> implementation (usually with some kind of JNI) that allow you to
> connect Java to those things.
Yep - we have that beast in our network. Not quite sure how useful it
is - we seem to add one "bus" after another for communication and
still pretty much achieving the same thing.


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