Language Bindings for Erlang Again
Yariv Sadan
Wed Jun 7 17:01:07 CEST 2006
> Now I have no experience that can verify if this statement was true or
> not
> but it did sound like a good idea.
Joe, please do a Ruby on Rails tutorial (you can easily find one on
Google) -- it'll be a very rewarding experience :) Once you have
everything installed, It shouldn't take you more than than 10 minutes
to create a complete database-driven Rails web app.
> Just describing the mnesia tables in some declarative language, and then
> being able to
> automatically generate a load of forms to manipulate this data would be
> a
> great start.
I think Erlang is actually the perfect language, because its records
already fully describe Mnesia tables. For instance, consider the
following code:
-record(employee, {id, deptartment_id, name, office}).
-record(department, {id, name, building}).
-record(project, {id, name, deadline}).
-record(employee_project, {employee_id, project_id}).
By relying on certain naming conventions (one of Rail's motos is
"Convention over Configuration") these records can describe a full
database schema with both 1-1, 1-many and many-many relations. A
simple Erlang script could parse this code and generate a complete web
app with CRUD capabilities, similar to the Rails scaffold generation
Hope I'm making sense :)
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