The Great Computer Language Shootout is back
Vance Shipley
Fri Jun 25 19:27:56 CEST 2004
I didn't like the exception implementation so I rewrote it.
It had been using the process dictionary and was doing throws.
I rewrote it to handle real exceptions and not use the process
dictionary. I managed to slow it down. :)
$ time erl -noinput -s except main 200000
Exceptions: HI=100000 / LO=100000
real 0m0.927s
user 0m0.650s
sys 0m0.150s
$ time erl -noinput -run except2 main 200000
Calling: 100000, Caller: 100000
real 0m0.994s
user 0m0.730s
sys 0m0.140s
-------------- next part --------------
%% The Great Computer Language Shootout
%% contributed by Isaac Gouy (Erlang novice)
%% Used destructive assignment in the process dictionary
%% to keep count of handled exceptions.
%% Usage: start from command line with
%% erlc except.erl
%% erl -noinput -s except main 200000
blowup(N) when N rem 2 == 0 -> throw({lo_exception, N});
blowup(N) -> throw({hi_exception, N}).
lo_fun(N) ->
case catch blowup(N) of
{lo_exception, N1} -> put(lo_count, get(lo_count) + 1);
{hi_exception, N2} -> throw({hi_exception, N2})
hi_fun(N) ->
case catch lo_fun(N) of
{hi_exception, N1} -> put(hi_count, get(hi_count) + 1);
_ -> true
some_fun(0) -> true;
some_fun(N) ->
case catch hi_fun(N) of
{lo_exception, N1} -> io:fwrite("~s~n", ["lo_exception should not get here."]);
{hi_exception, N2} -> io:fwrite("~s~n", ["hi_exception should not get here."]);
_ -> true
some_fun(N - 1).
main([Arg]) ->
Num = list_to_integer(atom_to_list(Arg)),
put(hi_count, 0),
put(lo_count, 0),
io:fwrite("~s~w ~s~w~n", ["Exceptions: HI=", get(hi_count),"/ LO=", get(lo_count)]),
-------------- next part --------------
%% The Great Computer Language Shootout
%% contributed by Vance Shipley
%% Usage: start from command line with
%% erlc except.erl
%% erl -noinput -run except main 200000
main([Arg]) ->
N = list_to_integer(Arg),
{Calling, Caller} = loop(N, 0, 0),
io:fwrite("Calling: ~w, Caller: ~w~n", [Calling, Caller]),
loop(0, Calling, Caller) ->
{Calling, Caller};
loop(N, Calling, Caller) ->
case catch call(N, Calling) of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
%% handled exception here
loop(N - 1, Calling, Caller + 1);
X ->
%% calling function handled exception
loop(N - 1, X, Caller)
call(N, Calling) ->
%% when do/1 returns ok exits with badmatch
case catch do(N) of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
Calling + 1
%% calling with an odd value exits with badarg
do(N) when N rem 2 == 0 ->
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