
Bengt Kleberg Bengt.Kleberg@REDACTED
Thu Sep 4 14:44:51 CEST 2003


i have been using the function free_vars/1 (see end of email) by Richard 
Carlsson(?). it is very helpful when refactoring code. unfortunatly it 
throws an error when given a macro. erl_parse:parse_exprs/1 returns 
{error, {Line, erl_parse, Reason}} when fed a macro.

my solution has been to change macros to atoms, like this:

macros_to_atoms( [] ) ->
macros_to_atoms( [{'?',_Nr}, {_Type, Nr, Macro}|T] ) ->
	[{atom, Nr, Macro} | macros_to_atoms( T )];
macros_to_atoms( [H|T] ) ->
	[H | macros_to_atoms( T )].

before calling erl_parse:parse_exprs/1.

is there a better way?


   %% @spec free_vars(Text::string()) -> string()
   %% @equiv free_vars(Text, 1)

   free_vars(Text) ->
       free_vars(Text, 1).

   %% @spec free_vars(Text::string(), Line::integer()) -> string()

   free_vars(Text, StartLine) ->
       %% StartLine/EndLine may be useful in error messages.
       {ok, Ts, EndLine} = erl_scan:string(Text, StartLine),
       Ts1 = lists:reverse([{dot, EndLine} | strip(lists:reverse(Ts))]),
	Ts2 = macros_to_atoms( Ts1 ),
       case erl_parse:parse_exprs(Ts2) of
           {ok, Es} ->
               E = erl_syntax:block_expr(Es),
               E1 = erl_syntax_lib:annotate_bindings(E, ordsets:new()),
               {value, {free, Vs}} = lists:keysearch(free, 1,
           {error, {_Line, erl_parse, Reason}} ->
               erlang:throw( {error, io_lib:format("~s", [Reason])} )

   strip([{',', _}   | Ts]) -> strip(Ts);
   strip([{';', _}   | Ts]) -> strip(Ts);
   strip([{'.', _}   | Ts]) -> strip(Ts);
   strip([{'|', _}   | Ts]) -> strip(Ts);
   strip([{'=', _}   | Ts]) -> strip(Ts);
   strip([{'dot', _} | Ts]) -> strip(Ts);
   strip([{'->', _}  | Ts]) -> strip(Ts);
   strip([{'||', _}  | Ts]) -> strip(Ts);
   strip([{'of', _}  | Ts]) -> strip(Ts);
   strip(Ts)                -> Ts.

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