namespace packages and releases

Ulf Wiger ulf.wiger@REDACTED
Sat Nov 22 19:32:23 CET 2003

On Sat, 22 Nov 2003 11:55:54 -0600, Hal Snyder <hal@REDACTED> wrote:

> Has anyone built a release involving packages?
> I get stuck building .boot and .script from .rel:

I have. I've sent patches for e.g. systools_make to OTP
(at least I think I did), but they don't seem to have
made it into R9C. Without some patching, it won't work.

> Here I'm trying to add an application "sample" to a previously working
> release of Scott Fritchie's tcpbalance. Relative to the directory
> where compilation is happening, the added files are
>   ../../lib/org/erlang/sample/
>                           sample_app.beam
>                           sample_sup.beam
>                           sample.beam
> I have tried both bare module names and module names with package
> prefix in the .app file. No success with either.
> 1. What should the .app file look like when using packages? Package
>    prefix on module names, or not?

Yes, package prefix on module names.

> I suspect application names should support package prefixes as well,
> but don't know if that's the case.


> 2. What should the .rel file look like when using packages? Package
>    prefix on application names, or not?

Application names have no package prefix. It's still
a flat structure (well, except for included apps, that is.)

> So far I have not found a working combination. I am using R9C-0 on
> FreeBSD-5.0 btw.

If you can wait 'til Monday, I'll send some patches.

Ulf Wiger

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