Web applications unification

Mikael Karlsson mikael.karlsson@REDACTED
Wed May 28 09:23:29 CEST 2003

Joakim G. wrote:
> Mikael Karlsson wrote:
> >I noticed that xmlrpc uses generic behaviours in the latest version
> > (1.13), but I can not find any "-behaviour(gen_server)" statement in the
> > code. How is that?
> The server part of the xmlrpc lib _behaves_ as a gen_server it isn't
> written using a gen_server behaviour though.
> Like this:
> http://www.erlang.org/doc/r9b/doc/design_principles/spec_proc.html
> as in:
> http://www.gleipnir.com/xmlrpc/unpacked/LATEST/src/tcp_serv.erl


I will not ask you why you implement your own gen_server :-)

One note, the spec. says that you also must implement the function:
system_code_change(Misc, OldVsn, Module, Extra) -> {ok, NMisc} | Error.
Neither tcp_serv.erl or the example in the spec. implements it so is this not
really necessary? I guess that if I write code for own use and know that it 
will not be updated on a running system thats ok, but for generic libraries ?


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