Help wanted

Jilani Khaldi jilani.khaldi@REDACTED
Fri May 23 19:41:43 CEST 2003

>I'm in the process of making a new release of BTT (Bluetail Ticket Tracker)
>after a major overhaul of the system.
>I wonder if anyone out there would like to help out translating the language
>definition file from English into other languages. So far I've already 
>got help
>with the French translation. I've got an outdated German and Swedish
>translation as well. NB: I think it would be possible to also translate into
>other non-latin1 languages since the charset used can be defined in the
>language definition file.
Here for Italian. I am a technical writer at:

I am preparing 4 long articles on Erlang to publish on the monthly italian magazine "Linux&C" (we have more than 40.000 readers), so Erlang will 
land in Italy as Ruby did 3 years ago. Now, there is a great italian comunity of Ruby programmers and I will try again with Erlang. I am 
preparing an Erlang italian site and an interview to Joe to publish it with the articles. Joe, could you here me?

Jilani Khaldi

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