not a question, just a fun thing with syntax_tools

Peter-Henry Mander erlang@REDACTED
Thu May 22 08:11:42 CEST 2003

Since we're on the subject, has anyone come across SciTE from ? It doesn't have an Erlang lexer 
out-of-the-box, but I've been working on two versions. Both have syntax 
highlighting, one has folding based on indentation depth, the other 
folds on (limited) syntax parsing. They're both a bit green, but I use 
SciTE almost exclusively and it suits me. The source will compile for 
M$-Windows as well as *NIX, and the editor has a pleasant GUI and tool 

I'm planning to feed back my work into the SciTE project so that Erlang 
becomes one of the many languages it supports. But before I do, is 
anyone interested in giving it a spin and offering some criticism?


Thomas Fee wrote:
> I would not say that it has an "Erlang mode". There is a syntax file for 
> Erlang which colorizes the text according to the types of lexical 
> entities. It doesn't really understand syntactic entities. Not being 
> fully satisfied with the stock syntax file, I have tried experiments in 
> improving it. I think you can get nice results...
> I think code formatting requires a perceptive mind with a bit of talent 
> for aesthetics. No mode is going to provide that.
> On a related topic: With a small Vim macro, you can fold Erlang 
> functions into an outline which you can then expand and collapse at 
> will. Vim does a very nice job of managing folds.
> ~Thomas
> Vance Shipley wrote:
>> Just for the record vim (the modern vi) now comes with an Erlang mode.
>>     -Vance

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