ANNOUNCE: erlguten
Joe Armstrong
Wed Mar 12 16:53:31 CET 2003
On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Marc Ernst Eddy van Woerkom wrote:
> > ErlGuten is now available at
> >
> >
> >
> > ErlGuten aims to produce typographic quality PDF from XML or
> > a Erlang program.
> > (..)
> > Comments, errors and all feedback is welcome, as are volunteers
> My eye hung on di-fferent.
> I interpret
> that diff counts as one sylable and should be hyphenated after
> the consonant (the "ff").
I've just use'd the TeX hyphenation tables and the algorithm from
Tex re-implement in Erlang.
> > Viewers - I'd like to connect ErlGuten to the freetype project
> > and make a GUI with the same interface as provided by the pdf module
> I don't understand this.
> Do you mean writing an Erlang version of a PDF reader or something
> different?
Yes - I'd like a PDF reader in Erlang - and I'd like to write GUIs
with the *same* layout language as used for creating PDF (like go 'ol
display postscript)
> In General I would like to know more about the project.
> If you want to clone or surpass TeX or just have a reasonable
> layout enginge. If you will take ideas from METAPOST etc.
I want the layout language to be XML
The programming extension language to be Erlang
The fonts to be Postscript Type 1
The output to be PDF
I aim (of course) at better quality than TeX - whether I can do this
remains to be seen.
I have been reading books on Typography and there are a lot of neat
ideas around that seem never to have been implemented, like for example:
Hermann Zapfs optimization which is:
Add an extra blank at the start (end) of a line - kern against the
blank and throw away the extra blank - this is said to produce better
optical alignment of the margins.
Also do what Gutenberg did in the 42 line bible - move right hand
punctuation slightly into the margin - this is only node in PDFTeX as
far as I know (and with pleasing results)
I also want to bring some common sense typography into documents -
please don't set wide A4 columns in 11/11 TimesRoman :-)
> Regards,
> Marc
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