Must-have Warning: long

Per Einar Strömme p-news@REDACTED
Fri Jul 4 03:29:03 CEST 2003

          Hej   !

    I'll just have to by joining the choir: 
    Welcome back online, !

Warning: long...

  I'm a bit curious about how You work developing various types of 
ERLANG programs for different applications.

I'm not at all interested in a description of the  p r o c e s s  
but more in what tools you use when, why and how.

All the steps below all have their own quirks, tips, tricks and 
considerations which I (after reading the list) can see people 
having some solution for or way around.
It would be interesting to gather some of them. How is a process
I guess.

Some answers are already there in the OTP documentation, somethimes
the answers are a bit confusing, resulting in "still confused but 
on a higher level".

Please note that I'm not whineing, trying to be constructive.

Maybe a division of the problem into something like the following
will explain what I'm after and might serve as a startingpoint 
for a discussion:

|              Embedded---->
Intel SUN       Intel     Mot    Mot      Hitachi  NEC  
X86   Sparc     StrongARM 68XXX  PowerPC  SH3      MIPS
       |      |     |       | 
       |      |     |       |
      *NIX   WIN   VxWorks  OSE
       |      |
       |      +-----...
       +------+-------+-------+-------+--.......lots and lots
      Solaris Linux   NetBSD  FreeBSD OpenBSD
       +------+------+--------....and so on
  Red Hat    SuSE    Debian    
Since you already have a clue, you have chosen some sort of
development environment including some sort of 
revision handling of code      (CVS,...)
Some graphical frontend for it (I.E. CVS)
Some storing environment       (, 
                      , home,... )
Build support                  (make, erlmake, .... ?)
        You worry a bit over:
        Erlang packages
        Erlang applications
     The text is stolen from SYSTEM PRINCIPLES,
     you thinker a little bit around:
    * Starting the system
    * Re-starting and stopping the system
    * Command line arguments
    * The boot file
    * Code loading strategies
    * Making a boot file
    * Starting the system with a boot file
    * Code loading strategy
    * Making an embedded system
    * The primitive loader.
And then you think about the development of your 
application using some combination of ERLANG and 
some other language probably depending on application.
        Erlang and world out there:
        Erlang to   the world     UBF
                                  Something happend to this adress:
        Erlang to   a port        erlang:*port*(...)
        Erlang to   C             Erl_Interface library  (part of OTP)
        Erlang to   C             Erlang Driver Tool Kit (EDTK)
        Erlang to   C             IG - The Interface Generator
        Erlang to   C++/C#/aso.   ??
        Erlang to   Java          Jinterface Application (part of OTP)
        IDL to CORBA             erl_corba   IC Application (part of OTP)
        IDL to plain Erlang      erl_plain 
        IDL to Erlang gen_server erl_genserv 
        IDL to C client          c_client 
        IDL to C server          c_server 
        IDL to Java              java
        Erlang to   SQL-databases          ODBC Application
        Erlang to   SNMP                   SNMP Application
        Erlang to   Asn1                   Asn1 application

        Maybe there is some higher level interfacing:
        Erlang to   The internet          Inets  application
        Erlang distribution using SSL     SSL    application
        Erlang to   anyone  using CRYPTO  Crypto application
        Erlang to   the Megaco/H.248 
                    protocol              Megaco application
        And pherhaps interfacing the other way around:
        Other languade to 
        the Mnesia DBMS                 Mnesia_Session application




        A practical example, which coincide with my special interest 
        at the moment.
        You and I and some of our friends want to interface a PCI-buss 
        board of some sort added to your Intel based NNAP PC 
        (no name, assembled parts, PC) running Linux from a SuSE 
        Buy a PCI-buss board which is supported by a Linux driver.
        Interface Erlang to the driver using the "Erl_Interface library"
        or what else ??
        Well, everyone in this tiny group wants to get their hands dirty.
        Do we start using 
        CVS through some graphical frontend XX at
        building everything localy using YYmake.
        We partition the design into a number of modules in packages
        (see or
        creating some applications.
        Design Principles:
        Lots of tedious work to do...
        We try to create some start, 
        stop and loading of the design
        Have a look in System Principles:

        describes how to "integrating a program written in Erlang with 
        a program written in another programming language, from the 
        Erlang programmer's point of view."

        Ahaa, in the ERTS USER'S GUIDE
        a friendly description on:
        "How to implement a driver"

        There are som additional hints in chapter:
        3.2 The driver

        Also check in the ERTS REFERENCE MANUAL
        the Module erl_driver and Module driver_entry

        Then we are in some trouble.
        We need to debugg the c-environment part. The PCI-buss board
        driver need to be investigated. 
        The C to Erlang interface need some debugging.
        There are a number of debuggers around some included in emacs,
        which ones do we choose and when do we use them.
        The loading and start of the Erlang node need som investigation.
        This is an interresting situation, how do we do ?
        We find erlang:display(Term)  

        In the ERTS USER'S GUIDE
        "How to interpret the Erlang crash dumps"
        Puuh, now things are looking better, now we need to debugg the 
        erlang part of the design. There is a number of debugging
        tools available, which one do we use when ?
        The Application Monitor, Appmon
        Debugger is a graphical tool
        Sequential tracing Module seq_trace
        We find some other functions in the module erlang:
        The OBSERVER application contains tools for tracing 
        and investigation of distributed systems. 
        The Event Tracer (ET) uses the built-in trace mechanism 
        in Erlang and provides tools for collection and graphical 
        viewing of trace data. 
        The process manager PMAN is a graphical tool used to 
        inspect the Erlang processes executing either locally 
        or on remote nodes.
        In GETTING STARTED WITH ERLANG there is a chapter on
        the use of PMAN.

        DBG, the Text Based Trace Facility in the Runtime_Tools Module- 
        Now, at last, the thing is working. #¤%&-- there seems to be
        some sort of degradation. Maybe we need to profile our baby.
        How and using what ?
        Aahaa, the Efficiency Guide
        Ahh we got 
        THE TOOLS APPLICATION contains a number of stand-alone tools, 
        which are useful when developing Erlang programs.

        The operating system monitor OS_Mon monitors operating system 
        disk and memory usage etc.

        we find this description
        "Match specifications in Erlang" which is used as parameters to 
        a function as used in the erlang:trace_pattern/2
        This  is realy heavy stuff.
        Hopefully something works here.
        Else try the mailing list :-)

Since they aparently are muddling around at SICS with Joe Armstrongs 
WEB-pages I hav'nt been able to refer to any tutourials or info on UBF, 
written by Joe and stored at:

The above is not a straight forward question but developing software
is not straight forward either (yet). Hoping to hear from you !

                        Rgrds  Per Einar

Per Einar Strömme 

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