
Luke Gorrie luke@REDACTED
Mon Jan 27 18:17:22 CET 2003


I just downloaded and ran the test server application -- very nice.

I got some failed cases though, using R9B-0 and building with a plain
"./configure": 8 cases in the emulator suite, and one in the stdlib
suite. Details attached.

Just wondering if these are known problems, or if they suggest a
problem with my setup?

(Pardon the wide formatting. if you read this in Emacs you probably
want to use M-x toggle-truncate-lines to avoid wrapping, and then C-x
> and C-x < to scroll horizontally.)

Emulator suite:

| 299 | sl_alloc_SUITE          | bucket_index                         | 0.014 s  | FAILED  | {sl_alloc_SUITE,662}                                                                                                                                                                             |
|     |                         |                                      |          |         | {[77,97,107,101,32,102,97,105,108,101,100,32,119,105,116,104,32,101,114,114,111,114,32,99,111,100,101,58],2}                                                                                     |
| 300 | sl_alloc_SUITE          | coalesce                             | 0.013 s  | FAILED  | {sl_alloc_SUITE,662}                                                                                                                                                                             |
|     |                         |                                      |          |         | {[77,97,107,101,32,102,97,105,108,101,100,32,119,105,116,104,32,101,114,114,111,114,32,99,111,100,101,58],2}                                                                                     |
| 301 | sl_alloc_SUITE          | coalesce_debug                       | 0.013 s  | FAILED  | {sl_alloc_SUITE,662}                                                                                                                                                                             |
|     |                         |                                      |          |         | {[77,97,107,101,32,102,97,105,108,101,100,32,119,105,116,104,32,101,114,114,111,114,32,99,111,100,101,58],2}                                                                                     |
| 302 | sl_alloc_SUITE          | sl_realloc_copy                      | 0.013 s  | FAILED  | {sl_alloc_SUITE,662}                                                                                                                                                                             |
|     |                         |                                      |          |         | {[77,97,107,101,32,102,97,105,108,101,100,32,119,105,116,104,32,101,114,114,111,114,32,99,111,100,101,58],2}                                                                                     |
| 303 | sl_alloc_SUITE          | sl_realloc_copy_debug                | 0.014 s  | FAILED  | {sl_alloc_SUITE,662}                                                                                                                                                                             |
|     |                         |                                      |          |         | {[77,97,107,101,32,102,97,105,108,101,100,32,119,105,116,104,32,101,114,114,111,114,32,99,111,100,101,58],2}                                                                                     |
| 304 | sl_alloc_SUITE          | threads                              | 0.013 s  | FAILED  | {sl_alloc_SUITE,662}                                                                                                                                                                             |
|     |                         |                                      |          |         | {[77,97,107,101,32,102,97,105,108,101,100,32,119,105,116,104,32,101,114,114,111,114,32,99,111,100,101,58],2}                                                                                     |
| 305 | sl_alloc_SUITE          | threads_debug                        | 0.014 s  | FAILED  | {sl_alloc_SUITE,662}                                                                                                                                                                             |
|     |                         |                                      |          |         | {[77,97,107,101,32,102,97,105,108,101,100,32,119,105,116,104,32,101,114,114,111,114,32,99,111,100,101,58],2}                                                                                     |
| 306 | sl_alloc_SUITE          | halloc_wrap                          | 0.013 s  | FAILED  | {sl_alloc_SUITE,662}                                                                                                                                                                             |
|     |                         |                                      |          |         | {[77,97,107,101,32,102,97,105,108,101,100,32,119,105,116,104,32,101,114,114,111,114,32,99,111,100,101,58],2}                                                                                     |

=== *** FAILED *** test case 299 of 389
=case    sl_alloc_SUITE:coalesce
=logfile sl_alloc_suite.coalesce.html
=started 2003-01-27 17:48:50
=ended   2003-01-27 17:48:51
=result    failed:{sl_alloc_SUITE,662}
=== *** FAILED *** test case 300 of 389
=case    sl_alloc_SUITE:coalesce_debug
=logfile sl_alloc_suite.coalesce_debug.html
=started 2003-01-27 17:48:51
=ended   2003-01-27 17:48:51
=result    failed:{sl_alloc_SUITE,662}
=== *** FAILED *** test case 301 of 389
=case    sl_alloc_SUITE:sl_realloc_copy
=logfile sl_alloc_suite.sl_realloc_copy.html
=started 2003-01-27 17:48:51
=ended   2003-01-27 17:48:51
=result    failed:{sl_alloc_SUITE,662}
=== *** FAILED *** test case 302 of 389
=case    sl_alloc_SUITE:sl_realloc_copy_debug
=logfile sl_alloc_suite.sl_realloc_copy_debug.html
=started 2003-01-27 17:48:51
=ended   2003-01-27 17:48:51
=result    failed:{sl_alloc_SUITE,662}
=== *** FAILED *** test case 303 of 389
=case    sl_alloc_SUITE:threads
=logfile sl_alloc_suite.threads.html
=started 2003-01-27 17:48:51
=ended   2003-01-27 17:48:51
=result    failed:{sl_alloc_SUITE,662}
=== *** FAILED *** test case 304 of 389
=case    sl_alloc_SUITE:threads_debug
=logfile sl_alloc_suite.threads_debug.html
=started 2003-01-27 17:48:51
=ended   2003-01-27 17:48:51
=result    failed:{sl_alloc_SUITE,662}
=== *** FAILED *** test case 305 of 389
=case    sl_alloc_SUITE:halloc_wrap
=logfile sl_alloc_suite.halloc_wrap.html
=started 2003-01-27 17:48:51
=ended   2003-01-27 17:48:51
=result    failed:{sl_alloc_SUITE,662}
=== *** FAILED *** test case 306 of 389
=case    sl_alloc_SUITE:skipped_cases
=logfile sl_alloc_suite.skipped_cases.html
=started 2003-01-27 17:48:51
=ended   2003-01-27 17:48:51
=result    skipped

Stdlib suite:

| 142 | ets_SUITE               | partly_bound               | 4.180 s   | FAILED  | {ets_SUITE,525}                      |

=== Test case started with ets_SUITE:partly_bound[[{data_dir,

=== Current directory is "/tmp/test/test_server"

=== Started at 2003-01-27 17:59:16










=== Ended at 2003-01-27 17:59:20
=== location {ets_SUITE,525}, reason={{badmatch,false},

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