Packaging an application.

Inswitch Solutions - Erlang Evaluation erlang@REDACTED
Tue Jan 14 23:23:06 CET 2003

You have to move the file "simpleapp.beam" from "simpleapp/src" to

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Einhorn" <jeinhorn@REDACTED>
To: "Erlang-Questions" <erlang-questions@REDACTED>
Cc: "Jeff Einhorn" <jeinhorn@REDACTED>
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 12:44 PM
Subject: Packaging an application.

> I've been trying to create a simple application following the example
> Lystig Fritchie posted to the mailing
> , but I'm having some trouble.
> Here is my directory structure.
> simpleapp/
> simpleapp/ebin/
> simpleapp/src/simpleapp.erl
> simpleapp/src/simpleapp.beam
> simpleapp/src/simpleapp.rel
> Contents of
> {application, simpleapp,
> [
>           {description, "A Simple App Test"},
>           {vsn, "0.01"},
>           {id, "Simple Id1"},
>           {modules, [simpleapp]},
>        {registered, [simpleapp] },
>           %% NOTE: It seems as if you don't want to list below libraries
>           %% that are load-only.  This is only a list of applications that
> must
>           %% be started before this application is started.  In the case
>           %% increment, we'll be starting it ourselves.
>           {applications, [ kernel, stdlib ] },
>           %% This is the statement that triggers the loading process to
>           %% the start function (and arguments) for the application.
>           {mod, {simpleapp, []} }
>          ]
>         }.
> Contents of simpleapp.rel.
> {release, {"simpleapp", "0.01"}, {erts, "5.2"},
>          [{kernel, "2.8.0"},
>           {stdlib, "1.11.0"},
>           {simpleapp, "0.01"}]}.
> When I try and run the following command I get an error, which seems to
> idicate it is not able to find my simpleapp file.  I run the following
> the src directory.
> $erl -pa ../ebin -s systools make_script simpleapp -s erlang halt -noshell
> {{module_not_found,simpleapp,simpleapp},
>  {simpleapp,'$$ignore$$',simpleapp,"0.01","../ebin"}}
> thank you for your time,
> -jeff e

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