erl -name XXX problem

Peter-Henry Mander erlang@REDACTED
Fri Oct 25 15:21:13 CEST 2002

Hi Joe,

May I also add (because I had the same problem) that the 
$HOME/.erlang.cookie file in your home directory needs to be copied to 
the machines you wish to communicate with in order to authenicate the 
commincating nodes. I have read in one mailing that you can achieve the 
same result with erl -cookie <cookie_string>, but it is less secure.

(which erroneously refers to $HOME/erlang.cookie without a dot prefix)

The default behavior is to create an arbitrarily random .erlang.cookie 
file, which will prevent nodes from authorising communication.


Luke Gorrie wrote:

>Joe Armstrong <joe@REDACTED> writes:
>>   If I do erl -name joe
>>   My system bails out with a horrendous error message - the start of which is
>>	'Can\'t set long node name!\nPlease check your configuration\n',[]}
>>   What do I have to do to fix this??
>Sure I should be waiting for the experts, but :-)
>If you run "domainname" in the shell, does it print your domain? If
>not, you can do e.g. "domainname" (as root) to set it.
>If that diagnosis was right, I think the persistent fix is to put a
>line like "domain" at the top of /etc/resolv.conf
>(NB: 'erl -name joe' works on R9B on my machine)

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