Absolute path when using erlc on windows errors out.
Eric Merritt
Sat Nov 9 23:18:32 CET 2002
I have what I hope is a quick question for you all.
It seems that when I use a full path to execute the
erlc command on windows 2000 it errors out. It works
just fine in other cases however. For example if I use
"C:\Program Files\erl5.2\bin\erlc.exe"
I will get an "erc: Error executing 'C:\Program':22"
Once again it works fine if I leave the path off of
the erlc command.
Does anyone have a clue as to why this might be?
--- Ulf Wiger <etxuwig@REDACTED> wrote:
> I have to share this with you.
> In the internal Ericsson publication "Kontakten"
> ("Contact"), there was an article about British
> Telecom's
> Voice over ATM (VoATM) network (the largest of its
> kind in
> the world). Some positive mention of the AXD 301
> switch,
> which as you know uses Erlang technology:
> or "http://www.ericsson.com/, "About Ericsson",
> "Publications", "Kontakten på nätet" -- or "Contact
> Online")
> (First, in Swedish, as the English translation
> doesn't seem
> to be ready yet.)
> "Erfarenheterna hittills av driften av VoATM-nätet
> är
> mycket goda. Den sammantagna nätlösningen och
> prestandan hos
> Ericssons 60 Gb flertjänstväxel AXD301 klarar lätt
> kraven på
> servicekvalitet och har hittills betytt att
> stillestånd helt
> kunnat undvikas. Talkvalitet eller kvalitet hos
> erbjudna
> tjänster har inte påverkats negativt.
> Vi har inte haft några problem med gränssnitt till
> andra
> operatörer, mobila nät eller internationella växlar.
> Faktum är att nätprestandan har varit så stabil att
> risken
> är uppenbar att vår fältpersonal tappar kompetensen
> i
> underhållsarbete."
> (My translation into English.)
> "The experiences sofar from running the VoATM
> network are
> very positive. The complete network solution and the
> performance of Ericsson's 60 Gb Multi-Service switch
> AXD 301
> can easily cope with the requirements, and have
> meant that
> it's been possible to completely avoid outages.
> Speech
> quality or quality of offered services have not been
> adversely affected.
> We haven't had any problems with interfaces to
> other
> operators, mobile networks or international
> switches. The
> fact is that network performance has been so stable
> that our
> field personell risk losing their competence in
> maintenance
> work." (says Geoff Robinson, British Telecom)
> Mr. Robinson is probably not as worried as he may
> sound, but
> the fact is that the network has behaved
> unbelievably well.
> The ATM signaling, O&M and resiliency functions are
> all
> written in Erlang. I contribute this as an indicator
> that it
> is indeed possible to design robust, complex,
> high-performance products using Erlang. (:
> ... not that many on this list doubt that, I
> suppose, or
> indeed have proven it on their own.
> /Uffe
> --
> Ulf Wiger, Senior Specialist,
> / / / Architecture & Design of Carrier-Class
> Software
> / / / Strategic Product & System Management
> / / / Ericsson Telecom AB, ATM Multiservice
> Networks
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