Orber and out-parameters in idl

Erik Reitsma (ELN) Erik.Reitsma@REDACTED
Wed Sep 26 11:34:05 CEST 2001

Hi all,

I was looking in the orber documentation for a description of how I should return values when they have been defined in idl as out-parameters. I have an idl-spec where all methods are void, and return the results in out-parameters. The documentation does mention how such a method could be called with an inout parameter, but there is no example of the server side, where the method is implemented.
Does anyone have experience or examples of using out-parameters?
If this is supported but not in the documentation, perhaps it should be added...
Any tips would be appreciated!
I have tried a naive approach, just returning what should be an out-parameter, but then my java client gets an exception...


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