Interrupting passive socket recv

Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi Chandrashekhar.Mullaparthi@REDACTED
Tue Nov 14 14:28:41 CET 2000

Another suggestion would be to make gen_tcp:recv take a message pattern
which it should send back to the controlling process. In R6B, the call to
gen_tcp:recv ends in this function:

call(S, Request) ->
    Tag = make_ref(),
    Pid =,
    Pid ! {call, self(), Tag, Request},
        {Tag, Reply} -> Reply;
        {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
            {error, closed};
        {tcp_closed, S} ->
            {error, closed}

Now if this is extended to:

call(S, Request, MyPattern) ->
    Tag = make_ref(),
    Pid =,
    Pid ! {call, self(), Tag, Request},
        {Tag, Reply} -> Reply;
        {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
            {error, closed};
        {tcp_closed, S} ->
            {error, closed};
	  {MyPattern, Mesg} ->                       
		{MyPattern, Mesg}

So I can call:
gen_tcp:recv(SocketRef, Length, my_message) so that all messages to my
process in the format {my_message, Something} are given to me as a result.

This is pretty restrictive in the sense that your messages have to conform
to a certain structure, you can specify only one pattern....
Multiple/Arbitrary patterns can be specified if clause guards are extended
to take a user defined fun. In that case, the above function can be written

call(S, Request, UserDefinedPredicateFun) ->
    Tag = make_ref(),
    Pid =,
    Pid ! {call, self(), Tag, Request},
        {Tag, Reply} -> Reply;
        {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
            {error, closed};
        {tcp_closed, S} ->
            {error, closed};
	  Message when UserDefinedPredicateFun(Message) -> Message


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Hinde [mailto:Sean.Hinde@REDACTED]
> Sent: 14 November 2000 12:04
> To: 'Peter Andersson'
> Cc: 'Erlang Questions'
> Subject: RE: Interrupting passive socket recv
> Peter,
> > Just a few thoughts... What if you spawn a separate process 
> > just to handle the
> > receiving of TCP messages? To avoid flooding this process (in 
> Yes, I also thought a bit about this solution. The drawback is that it
> introduces an extra message transfer as the recv process will 
> have to send
> the replies back to my marshalling process which knows who 
> asked the query
> and so can return the answer to the right place.
> Killing the recv process is also a bit nasty as well, though 
> it does raise
> the additional question of how one interrupts a 
> gen_tcp:accept. This is an
> issue for code upgrades as well as a general programming 
> issue. The options
> seem to be the same as documented for recv - timeout and 
> retry to allow
> space for other Erlang messages to be received - which is 
> pretty horrible
> (lost connections)
> Any more tricks up anyones sleeve for this one?
> Sean

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