mnesia core

Dan Gudmundsson dgud@REDACTED
Tue Feb 22 12:43:05 CET 2000

Nope, nothing I have ever seen or fixed,
don't look like a mnesia problem though..


Klacke writes:
 > Howdy,
 > We have had some troubles with mnesia that crashes.
 > We get the following fucker in the MnesiaCore file:
 > [{crashinfo,{"~p got unexpected info: ~p; ~p~n",
 >              [mnesia_monitor,
 >               {'EXIT',<114.100.0>,
 >                       {badarg,[{erlang,port_command,[#Port<114.3871>,"\t"]},
 >                                {file,ll_command,2},
 >                                {disk_log,handle,2},
 >                                {proc_lib,init_p,5}]}},
 >               "Hint: check that the disk still is writable"]}},
 > It doesn't happen very often. We've been running our test suites
 > here and it's happend a couple of times during the past weeks intensive
 > testing.
 > It appears to be some deep shit in the runtime system, possibly
 > associated with ports. So, my question is if anybody else
 > has experienced these mnesia crashes and if somebody knows about a
 > fix.
 > Cheers
 > /klacke
 > -- 
 > Claes Wikstrom                          <klacke@REDACTED>
 > Bluetail AB                   

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