call for papers ICFP 2001
Xavier Leroy
Mon Dec 18 10:30:07 CET 2000
ICFP 2001: Call for Papers
ICFP 2001: International Conference on Functional Programming
Firenze (Florence), Italy; 3-5 September 2001
associated with PLI 2001: Colloquium on Principles, Logics,
and Implementations of High-Level Programming Languages
Important dates:
Submission deadline 15 March 2001, 18:00 UTC
Notification of acceptance or rejection 11 May 2001
Final paper due 29 June 2001
Conference 3-5 September 2001
ICFP 2001 seeks original papers on the full spectrum of the art, science,
and practice of functional programming. The conference invites submissions
on all topics ranging from principles to practice, from foundations to
features, and from abstraction to application. The scope covers all
languages that encourage programming with functions, including both purely
applicative and imperative languages, as well as languages that support
objects and concurrency. Papers setting new directions in functional
programming, or describing novel or exemplary applications of functional
programming, are particularly encouraged. Topics of interest include, but
are not limited to, the following:
* Foundations: formal semantics, lambda calculus, type theory, monads,
continuations, control, state, effects.
* Design: modules and type systems, concurrency and distribution,
components and composition, relations to object-oriented and logic
programming, multiparadigm programming.
* Implementation: abstract machines, compile-time and run-time
optimization, just-in-time compilers, memory management,
foreign-function and component interfaces.
* Transformation and Analysis: abstract interpretation, partial
evaluation, program transformation, theorem proving, specification and
* Applications: scientific and numerical computing, symbolic computing
and artificial intelligence, systems programming, databases, graphic
user interfaces, multimedia programming, web programming.
* Experience: FP in education and industry, ramifications on other
paradigms and computing disciplines.
* Functional pearls: elegant, instructive examples of functional
Submission guidelines:
Please refer to the submission Web site
Program committee:
General chair Program committee
Benjamin Pierce Karl Crary, Carnegie Mellon University
University of Pennsylvania Marc Feeley, University of Montréal
Giorgio Ghelli, University of Pisa
Program chair Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research
John Hughes, Chalmers University
Xavier Leroy Naoki Kobayashi, University of Tokyo
INRIA Rocquencourt Julia Lawall, DIKU, U. Copenhagen
Domaine de Voluceau, B.P. 105 Sheng Liang, Stratum8
78153 Le Chesnay, France John Reppy, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
E-mail: Xavier.Leroy@REDACTED Scott Smith, John Hopkins University
Fax: + 33 - 1 - 39 63 56 84 Carolyn Talcott, Stanford University
Phone: + 33 - 1 - 39 63 55 61 Kwangkeun Yi, KAIST
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