[erlang-bugs] Errors when using file:sendfile/2

Lukas Larsson lukas@REDACTED
Mon Jan 2 12:27:15 CET 2012


Thanks for reporting this. The bug does, as Tuncer said, not appear if 
you run with async-threads. I've identified the issue and I'm working on 
a solution. While waiting for the fix I recommend all to use 
async-threads in a VM running sendfile as it is less prone to 
race-conditions and should be faster.


On 29/12/11 17:26, Magnus Klaar wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm encountered the following errors while testing a module using 
> file:sendfile/2. It appears to be quite rare. 17 errors were logged 
> for 11000 requests sent to the server. This is using "Erlang R15B 
> (erts-5.9) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] 
> [kernel-poll:false]" running on "Linux $(hostname) 3.0.0-1-amd64 #1 
> SMP Sat Aug 27 16:21:11 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux".
> =ERROR REPORT==== 29-Dec-2011::16:55:15 ===
> driver_select(0x000000000000032a, 107, ERL_DRV_READ ERL_DRV_USE, 1) by 
> tcp_inet driver #Port<0.4906> failed: fd=107 (re)selected before 
> stop_select was called for driver efile
> =ERROR REPORT==== 29-Dec-2011::16:55:20 ===
> driver_select(0x0000000000000069, 106, ERL_DRV_READ ERL_DRV_USE, 1) by 
> tcp_inet driver #Port<0.5225> failed: fd=106 (re)selected before 
> stop_select was called for driver efile
> The code is not merged into the main project yet and test is rather 
> ad-hoc, I'm defaulting to not providing it unless you specifically ask 
> for it. Let me know if you need and I'll write a summary for 
> downloading and running it if the error messages are not informative 
> enough.
> MVH Magnus
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