Sv: EEP 56 Update

Hans Nilsson R hans.r.nilsson@REDACTED
Mon Mar 15 16:03:15 CET 2021

Hi Maria,

I think this EEP could help the OTP SSH and I like your apporach to vitalizing Supervisors.  Do you have a prototype?  We are a bit busy now before OTP-23.3 and OTP-24.0 but I have some time to test if you want.

Hans Nilsson, Ericsson/OTP
Från: eeps <eeps-bounces@REDACTED> för Maria Scott <maria-12648430@REDACTED>
Skickat: den 10 mars 2021 12:51
Till: Michael Truog <mjtruog@REDACTED>; eeps@REDACTED <eeps@REDACTED>
Ämne: Re: EEP 56 Update

Hi Michael,

> So, I would urge you to check for "significant == true" when either
> "auto_shutdown == never" or "restart == permanent", to block invalid use
> and ensure the supervisor process doesn't contain invalid state (even if
> the state doesn't cause functionality problems now, it can always become
> a bug in the future).

Ok, you certainly have a point. It is also easier to later allow things that were forbidden before (if the need should arise) than it would be the other way round.

Kind regards,
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