3 Certificate records
This chapter briefly describes erlang records derived from asn1 specifications used to handle X509 certificates. The intent is to describe the data types and not to specify the meaning of each component for this we refer you to RFC 3280.
Use the following include directive to get access to the records and constant macros (OIDs) described in the following sections.
The used specification is available in OTP-PKIX.asn1, which is an amelioration of the PKIX1Explicit88.asn1, PKIX1Implicit88.asn1 and PKIX1Algorithms88.asn1 modules. You find all these modules in the asn1 subdirectory of the application public_key.
3.1 Common Data Types
Common non standard erlang data types used to described the record fields in the below sections are defined in public key reference manual or follows here.
time() = uct_time() | general_time()
uct_time() = {utcTime, "YYMMDDHHMMSSZ"}
general_time() = {generalTime, "YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ"}
general_name() = {rfc822Name, string()} | {dNSName, string()} | {x400Address, string()} | {directoryName, {rdnSequence, [#AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]}} | | {eidPartyName, special_string()} | {eidPartyName, special_string(), special_string()} | {uniformResourceIdentifier, string()} | {ipAddress, string()} | {registeredId, oid()} | {otherName, term()}
special_string() = {teletexString, string()} | {printableString, string()} | {universalString, string()} | {utf8String, string()} | {bmpString, string()}
dist_reason() = unused | keyCompromise | cACompromise | affiliationChanged | superseded | cessationOfOperation | certificateHold | privilegeWithdrawn | aACompromise
3.2 PKIX Certificates
#'Certificate'{ tbsCertificate, % #'TBSCertificate'{} signatureAlgorithm, % #'AlgorithmIdentifier'{} signature % {0, binary()} - asn1 compact bitstring }. #'TBSCertificate'{ version, % v1 | v2 | v3 serialNumber, % integer() signature, % #'AlgorithmIdentifier'{} issuer, % {rdnSequence, [#AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]} validity, % #'Validity'{} subject, % {rdnSequence, [#AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]} subjectPublicKeyInfo, % #'SubjectPublicKeyInfo'{} issuerUniqueID, % binary() | asn1_novalue subjectUniqueID, % binary() | asn1_novalue extensions % [#'Extension'{}] }. #'AlgorithmIdentifier'{ algorithm, % oid() parameters % asn1_der_encoded() }. #'SignatureAlgorithm'{ algorithm, % id_signature_algorithm() parameters % public_key_params() }.
id_signature_algorithm() = ?oid_name_as_erlang_atom for available oid names see table below. Ex: ?'id-dsa-with-sha1'
OID name |
id-dsa-with-sha1 |
md2WithRSAEncryption |
md5WithRSAEncryption |
sha1WithRSAEncryption |
ecdsa-with-SHA1 |
#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{ type, % id_attributes() value % term() }.
OID name | Value type |
id-at-name | special_string() |
id-at-surname | special_string() |
id-at-givenName | special_string() |
id-at-initials | special_string() |
id-at-generationQualifier | special_string() |
id-at-commonName | special_string() |
id-at-localityName | special_string() |
id-at-stateOrProvinceName | special_string() |
id-at-organizationName | special_string() |
id-at-title | special_string() |
id-at-dnQualifier | {printableString, string()} |
id-at-countryName | {printableString, string()} |
id-at-serialNumber | {printableString, string()} |
id-at-pseudonym | special_string() |
#'Validity'{ notBefore, % time() notAfter % time() }. #'SubjectPublicKeyInfo'{ algorithm, % #AlgorithmIdentifier{} subjectPublicKey % binary() }. #'SubjectPublicKeyInfoAlgorithm'{ algorithm, % id_public_key_algorithm() parameters % public_key_params() }.
OID name |
rsaEncryption |
id-dsa |
dhpublicnumber |
ecdsa-with-SHA1 |
id-keyExchangeAlgorithm |
#'Extension'{ extnID, % id_extensions() | oid() critical, % boolean() extnValue % asn1_der_encoded() }.
id_extensions() Standard Certificate Extensions, Private Internet Extensions, CRL Extensions and CRL Entry Extensions.
3.3 Standard certificate extensions
OID name | Value type |
id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier | #'AuthorityKeyIdentifier'{} |
id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier | oid() |
id-ce-keyUsage | [key_usage()] |
id-ce-privateKeyUsagePeriod | #'PrivateKeyUsagePeriod'{} |
id-ce-certificatePolicies | #'PolicyInformation'{} |
id-ce-policyMappings | #'PolicyMappings_SEQOF'{} |
id-ce-subjectAltName | general_name() |
id-ce-issuerAltName | general_name() |
id-ce-subjectDirectoryAttributes | [#'Attribute'{}] |
id-ce-basicConstraints | #'BasicConstraints'{} |
id-ce-nameConstraints | #'NameConstraints'{} |
id-ce-policyConstraints | #'PolicyConstraints'{} |
id-ce-extKeyUsage | [id_key_purpose()] |
id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints | #'DistributionPoint'{} |
id-ce-inhibitAnyPolicy | integer() |
id-ce-freshestCRL | [#'DistributionPoint'{}] |
key_usage() = digitalSignature | nonRepudiation | keyEncipherment| dataEncipherment | keyAgreement | keyCertSign | cRLSign | encipherOnly | decipherOnly
OID name |
id-kp-serverAuth |
id-kp-clientAuth |
id-kp-codeSigning |
id-kp-emailProtection |
id-kp-timeStamping |
id-kp-OCSPSigning |
#'AuthorityKeyIdentifier'{ keyIdentifier, % oid() authorityCertIssuer, % general_name() authorityCertSerialNumber % integer() }. #'PrivateKeyUsagePeriod'{ notBefore, % general_time() notAfter % general_time() }. #'PolicyInformation'{ policyIdentifier, % oid() policyQualifiers % [#PolicyQualifierInfo{}] }. #'PolicyQualifierInfo'{ policyQualifierId, % oid() qualifier % string() | #'UserNotice'{} }. #'UserNotice'{ noticeRef, % #'NoticeReference'{} explicitText % string() }. #'NoticeReference'{ organization, % string() noticeNumbers % [integer()] }. #'PolicyMappings_SEQOF'{ issuerDomainPolicy, % oid() subjectDomainPolicy % oid() }. #'Attribute'{ type, % oid() values % [asn1_der_encoded()] }). #'BasicConstraints'{ cA, % boolean() pathLenConstraint % integer() }). #'NameConstraints'{ permittedSubtrees, % [#'GeneralSubtree'{}] excludedSubtrees % [#'GeneralSubtree'{}] }). #'GeneralSubtree'{ base, % general_name() minimum, % integer() maximum % integer() }). #'PolicyConstraints'{ requireExplicitPolicy, % integer() inhibitPolicyMapping % integer() }). #'DistributionPoint'{ distributionPoint, % general_name() | [#AttributeTypeAndValue{}] reasons, % [dist_reason()] cRLIssuer % general_name() }).
3.4 Private Internet Extensions
OID name | Value type |
id-pe-authorityInfoAccess | [#'AccessDescription'{}] |
id-pe-subjectInfoAccess | [#'AccessDescription'{}] |
#'AccessDescription'{ accessMethod, % oid() accessLocation % general_name() }).
3.5 CRL and CRL Extensions Profile
#'CertificateList'{ tbsCertList, % #'TBSCertList{} signatureAlgorithm, % #'AlgorithmIdentifier'{} signature % {0, binary()} - asn1 compact bitstring }). #'TBSCertList'{ version, % v2 (if defined) signature, % #AlgorithmIdentifier{} issuer, % {rdnSequence, [#AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]} thisUpdate, % time() nextUpdate, % time() revokedCertificates, % [#'TBSCertList_revokedCertificates_SEQOF'{}] crlExtensions % [#'Extension'{}] }). #'TBSCertList_revokedCertificates_SEQOF'{ userCertificate, % integer() revocationDate, % timer() crlEntryExtensions % [#'Extension'{}] }).
CRL Extensions
OID name | Value type |
id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier | #'AuthorityKeyIdentifier{} |
id-ce-issuerAltName | {rdnSequence, [#AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]} |
id-ce-cRLNumber | integer() |
id-ce-deltaCRLIndicator | integer() |
id-ce-issuingDistributionPoint | #'IssuingDistributionPoint'{} |
id-ce-freshestCRL | [#'Distributionpoint'{}] |
#'IssuingDistributionPoint'{ distributionPoint, % general_name() | [#AttributeTypeAndValue'{}] onlyContainsUserCerts, % boolean() onlyContainsCACerts, % boolean() onlySomeReasons, % [dist_reason()] indirectCRL, % boolean() onlyContainsAttributeCerts % boolean() }).
CRL Entry Extensions
OID name | Value type |
id-ce-cRLReason | crl_reason() |
id-ce-holdInstructionCode | oid() |
id-ce-invalidityDate | general_time() |
id-ce-certificateIssuer | general_name() |
crl_reason() = unspecified | keyCompromise | cACompromise | affiliationChanged | superseded | cessationOfOperation | certificateHold | removeFromCRL | privilegeWithdrawn | aACompromise