[Ericsson AB]

5 Installing Orber

5.1 Installation Process

This chapter describes how to install Orber in an Erlang Environment.

5.1.1 Preparation

To begin with, you must decide if you want to run Orber as a:

Which approach to use is highly implementation specific, but a few things you should consider:

You also have to decide if you want Orber to store internal data using disc_copies and/or ram_copies. Which storage type you should depends if/how you intend to use Mnesia in your application. If you intend to use disc_copies you must start with creating a Mnesia schema, which contain information about the location of the Erlang nodes where Orber is planned to be run. For more background information, see the Mnesia documentation.

In some cases it is absolutely necessary to change the default configuration of Orber. For example, if two Orber-ORB's shall be able to communicate via GIOP, they must have a unique domain domain. Consult the configuration settings section. If you encounter any problems; see the chapter about Debugging in this User's Guide.

5.1.2 Jump Start Orber

The easiest way to start Orber is to use orber:jump_start(Port), which start a single-node ORB with (most likely) a unique domain (i.e. "IP-number:Port"). This function may only be used during development and testing. For any other situation, install and start Orber as described in the following sections. The listen port, i.e. iiop_port configuration parameter, is set to the supplied Port.


How Orber is configured when using orber:jump_start(Port) may change at any time without warning. Hence, this operation must not be used in systems delivered to a customer.

5.1.3 Install Single Node Orber

Since a single node Orber communicate via the OMG GIOP protocol it is not necessary to start the Erlang distribution (i.e. using -name/-sname).

If we use ram_copies there is no need for creating a disc based schema. Simply use:

erl> mnesia:start().
erl> corba:orb_init([{domain, "MyRAMSingleNodeORB"}]).
erl> orber:install([node()], [{ifr_storage_type, ram_copies}]).
erl> orber:start().

If you installation requires disc_copies you must begin with creating a Mnesia schema. Otherwise, the installation is similar to a RAM installation:

erl> mnesia:create_schema([node()]).
erl> mnesia:start().
erl> corba:orb_init([{domain, "MyDiscSingleNodeORB"}]).
erl> orber:install([node()], [{ifr_storage_type, disc_copies},
                              {nameservice_storage_type, disc_copies}]).
erl> orber:start().

You can still choose to store the IFR data as ram_copies, but then the data must be re-installed (i.e. invoke orber:install/2) if the node is restarted. Hence, since the IFR data is rather static you should use disc_copies. For more information see the orber section in the reference manual.

If you do not need to change Orber's configuration you can skip orb_init/1. But, you should at least set the IIOP timeout parameters.


When starting Orber as lightweight, mnesia and orber:install/* are not required. You must, however, use the configuration parameter lightweight.

5.1.4 Install RAM Based Multi Node Orber

Within a domain Orber uses the Erlang distribution protocol. Hence, you must start it first by, for example, using:

hostA> erl -sname nodeA

In this example, we assume that we want to use two nodes; nodeA and nodeB. Since Mnesia must know which other nodes should a part of the distribution we either need to add the Mnesia configuration parameter extra_db_nodes or use mnesia:change_config/2. To begin with, Mnesia must be started on all nodes before we can install Orber:

nodeA@hostA> mnesia:start().
nodeA@hostA> mnesia:change_config(extra_db_nodes, 
                                  [nodeA@hostA, nodeB@hostB]).

After that the above have been repeated on nodeB we must first make sure that both nodes will use the same domain name, then we can install Orber:

nodeA@hostA> corba:orb_init([{domain, "MyRAMMultiNodeORB"}]).
nodeA@hostA> orber:install([nodeA@hostA, nodeB@hostB],
                           [{ifr_storage_type, ram_copies}]).
nodeA@hostA> orber:start().

Note that you can only invoke orber:install/1/2 on one of the nodes. Now we can start Orber on the other node:

nodeB@hostB> corba:orb_init([{domain, "MyRAMMultiNodeORB"}]).
nodeB@hostB> orber:start().


5.1.5 Install Disc Based Multi Node Orber

As for RAM based multi-node Orber installations, the Erlang distribution must be started (e.g. erl -sname nodeA). The major difference is that when it is disc based a Mnesia schema must be created:

nodeA@hostA> mnesia:create_schema([nodeA@hostA, nodeB@hostB]).
nodeA@hostA> mnesia:start().

In this example, we assume that we want to use two nodes; nodeA and nodeB. Since it is not possible to create a schema on more than one node. Hence, all we have to do is to start Mnesia (i.e. invoke mnesia:start()) on nodeB.

After Mnesia have been started on all nodes, you must confirm that all nodes have the same domain name, then Orber is ready to be installed:

nodeA@hostA> corba:orb_init([{domain, "MyDiscMultiNodeORB"}]).
nodeA@hostA> orber:install([nodeA@hostA, nodeB@hostB],
                           [{ifr_storage_type, disc_copies}]).
nodeA@hostA> orber:start().

Note that you can only invoke orber:install/1/2 on one of the nodes. Now we can start Orber on the other node:

nodeB@hostB> corba:orb_init([{domain, "MyDiscMultiNodeORB"}]).
nodeB@hostB> orber:start().


5.1.6 Running Java clients against Orber.

If you intend to run Java clients and your Java ORB does not support the Interoperable Naming Service (INS), a specific


must be added to your CLASSPATH variable to allow Orber support for the initial references. For more information about INS, see the Name Service chapter in this User's Guide.

5.2 Configuration

The following configuration parameters exist:

It is possible to invoke operations using the extra timeout parameter:

erl> module_interface:function(ObjRef, Timeout, ..Arguments..).
erl> module_interface:function(ObjRef, ..Arguments..).

The extra Timeout argument will override the configuration parameter iiop_timeout. It is, however, not possible to use infinity to override the Timeout parameter. The Timeout option is also valid for objects which resides within the same Orber domain .

The iiop_setup_connection_timeout, iiop_timeout, iiop_connection_timeout and iiop_in_connection_timeout variables should be used. The specified values is implementation specific, i.e., WAN or LAN, but they should range from iiop_setup_connection_timeout to iiop_connection_timeout.

The following options are the possible configurations when using Orber with secure IIOP. Orber currently only supports security with the help of SSL and not SECIOP. To get more information about the SSL read the SSL application manual. The security chapter later in this manual describes how to get security in Orber and how the options are used.

To change these settings in the configuration file, the -config flag must be added to the erl command. See the Reference Manual config(4) for further information. The values can also be sent separately as options to the Erlang node when it is started, see the Reference Manual erl(1) for further information.

5.2.1 Orber Environment Flags

The Environment Flags allows the user to activate debugging facilities or change Orber's behavior. The latter may result in that Orber is no longer compliant with the OMG standard, which may be necessary when communicating with a non-compliant ORB.

Orber Environment Flags
Hexadecimal Value OMG Compliant Description
0001 no Exclude CodeSet Component
0002 yes Local Typechecking
0004 yes Use Host Name in IOR
0008 yes Enable NAT
0020 yes Local Interceptors
0080 yes Light IFR
0100 yes Use IPv6
0200 yes EXIT Tolerance

Any combination of the flags above may be used and changes the behavior as follows:

5.3 Firewall Configuration

Firewalls are used to protect objects from clients in other networks or sub-networks, but also to restrict which hosts internal objects may connect to (i.e. inbound protection and outbound protection). A firewall can limit access based on:

This section describes how to configure a Transport Level firewall. It must have prior knowledge of the source to destination mappings, and conceptually has a configuration table containing tuples of the form: ({inhost:inport}, {outhost:outport}). If there are no port restrictions it is rather easy to configure the firewall. Otherwise, we must consider the following alternatives:


Using the option iiop_out_ports may result in that Orber runs out of valid ports numbers. For example, other applications may steal some of the ports or the number of concurrent outgoing connections to other ORBs may be higher than expected. To reduce, but not eliminate, the risk you should use iiop_connection_timeout.

Firewall configuration example:

# "Plain" IIOP
To: Orber-IPNo:(iiop_port)     From: ORB-IPNo:X
To: ORB-IPNo:Z                 From: Orber-IPNo:(iiop_out_ports | Any Port)

# IIOP via SSL
To: Orber-IPNo:(iiop_port)     From: ORB-IPNo:X
To: Orber-IPNo:(iiop_ssl_port) From: ORB-IPNo:Y
To: ORB-IPNo:Z                 From: Orber-IPNo:(iiop_out_ports | Any Port)

If the communication take place via a TCP Firewall with NAT (Network Address Translation), we must active this behavior and define the external address and/or ports.

TCP Firewall With NAT

Using NAT makes it possible to use different host data for different network domains. This way we can share Internet Protocol address resources or obscure resources. To enable this feature the Enable NAT flag must be set and nat_iiop_port, nat_iiop_ssl_port and nat_ip_address configured, which maps to iiop_port, iiop_ssl_port and ip_address respectively. Hence, the firewall must be configured to translate the external to the internal representation correctly.

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