This module provides a set of cryptographic functions.
Hash functions - Secure Hash Standard, The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm (RFC 1321) and The MD4 Message Digest Algorithm (RFC 1320)
Hmac functions - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication (RFC 2104)
Block ciphers - DES and AES in Block Cipher Modes - ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB and CTR
Digital signatures Digital Signature Standard (DSS) and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
key_value() = integer() | binary()
Always binary() when used as return value
rsa_public() = [key_value()] = [E, N]
Where E is the public exponent and N is public modulus.
rsa_private() = [key_value()] = [E, N, D] | [E, N, D, P1, P2, E1, E2, C]
Where E is the public exponent, N is public modulus and D is the private exponent.The longer key format contains redundant information that will make the calculation faster. P1,P2 are first and second prime factors. E1,E2 are first and second exponents. C is the CRT coefficient. Terminology is taken from RFC 3447.
dss_public() = [key_value()] = [P, Q, G, Y]
Where P, Q and G are the dss parameters and Y is the public key.
dss_private() = [key_value()] = [P, Q, G, X]
Where P, Q and G are the dss parameters and X is the private key.
srp_public() = key_value()
Where is A or B from SRP design
srp_private() = key_value()
Where is a or b from SRP design
Where Verifier is v, Generator is g and Prime is N, DerivedKey is X, and Scrambler is u (optional will be generated if not provided) from SRP design Version = '3' | '6' | '6a'
dh_public() = key_value()
dh_private() = key_value()
dh_params() = [key_value()] = [P, G]
ecdh_public() = key_value()
ecdh_private() = key_value()
ecdh_params() = ec_named_curve() | {ec_field(), Prime :: key_value(), Point :: key_value(), Order :: integer(), CoFactor :: none | integer()}
ec_field() = {prime_field, Prime :: integer()} | {characteristic_two_field, M :: integer(), Basis :: ec_basis()}
ec_basis() = {tpbasis, K :: non_neg_integer()} | {ppbasis, K1 :: non_neg_integer(), K2 :: non_neg_integer(), K3 :: non_neg_integer()} | onbasis
ec_named_curve() -> sect571r1| sect571k1| sect409r1| sect409k1| secp521r1| secp384r1| secp224r1| secp224k1| secp192k1| secp160r2| secp128r2| secp128r1| sect233r1| sect233k1| sect193r2| sect193r1| sect131r2| sect131r1| sect283r1| sect283k1| sect163r2| secp256k1| secp160k1| secp160r1| secp112r2| secp112r1| sect113r2| sect113r1| sect239k1| sect163r1| sect163k1| secp256r1| secp192r1
stream_cipher() = rc4 | aes_ctr
block_cipher() = aes_cbc128 | aes_cfb128 | blowfish_cbc | blowfish_cfb64 | des_cbc | des_cfb | des3_cbc | des3_cbf | des_ede3 | rc2_cbc
stream_key() = aes_key() | rc4_key()
block_key() = aes_key() | blowfish_key() | des_key()| des3_key()
aes_key() = iodata()
rc4_key() = iodata()
blowfish_key() = iodata()
des_key() = iodata()
des3_key() = [binary(), binary(), binary()]
digest_type() = md5 | sha | sha224 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512
hash_algorithms() = md5 | ripemd160 | sha | sha224 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512
cipher_algorithms() = des_cbc | des_cfb | des3_cbc | des3_cbf | des_ede3 | blowfish_cbc | blowfish_cfb64 | aes_cbc128 | aes_cfb128| aes_cbc256 | rc2_cbc | aes_ctr| rc4
public_key_algorithms() = rsa |dss | ecdsa | dh | ecdh
block_encrypt(Type, Key, Ivec, PlainText) -> CipherText
Encrypt PlainTextaccording to Type block cipher. IVec is an arbitrary initializing vector.
block_decrypt(Type, Key, Ivec, CipherText) -> PlainText
Decrypt CipherTextaccording to Type block cipher. IVec is an arbitrary initializing vector.
bytes_to_integer(Bin) -> Integer
Convert binary representation, of an integer, to an Erlang integer.
compute_key(Type, OthersPublicKey, MyKey, Params) -> SharedSecret
Computes the shared secret from the private key and the other party's public key. See also public_key:compute_key/2
Performs bit-wise XOR (exclusive or) on the data supplied.
generate_key(Type, Params) -> {PublicKey, PrivKeyOut}
generate_key(Type, Params, PrivKeyIn) -> {PublicKey, PrivKeyOut}
Generates public keys of type Type. See also public_key:generate_key/1
Computes a message digest of type Type from Data.
May throw exception notsup in case the chosen Type is not supported by the underlying OpenSSL implementation.
Initializes the context for streaming hash operations. Type determines which digest to use. The returned context should be used as argument to hash_update.
May throw exception notsup in case the chosen Type is not supported by the underlying OpenSSL implementation.
hash_update(Context, Data) -> NewContext
Updates the digest represented by Context using the given Data. Context must have been generated using hash_init or a previous call to this function. Data can be any length. NewContext must be passed into the next call to hash_update or hash_final.
Finalizes the hash operation referenced by Context returned from a previous call to hash_update. The size of Digest is determined by the type of hash function used to generate it.
hmac(Type, Key, Data) -> Mac
hmac(Type, Key, Data, MacLength) -> Mac
Computes a HMAC of type Type from Data using Key as the authentication key.
MacLength will limit the size of the resultant Mac.hmac_init(Type, Key) -> Context
Initializes the context for streaming HMAC operations. Type determines which hash function to use in the HMAC operation. Key is the authentication key. The key can be any length.
hmac_update(Context, Data) -> NewContext
Updates the HMAC represented by Context using the given Data. Context must have been generated using an HMAC init function (such as hmac_init). Data can be any length. NewContext must be passed into the next call to hmac_update or to one of the functions hmac_final and hmac_final_n
Finalizes the HMAC operation referenced by Context. The size of the resultant MAC is determined by the type of hash function used to generate it.
hmac_final_n(Context, HashLen) -> Mac
Finalizes the HMAC operation referenced by Context. HashLen must be greater than zero. Mac will be a binary with at most HashLen bytes. Note that if HashLen is greater than the actual number of bytes returned from the underlying hash, the returned hash will have fewer than HashLen bytes.
info_lib() -> [{Name,VerNum,VerStr}]
Provides the name and version of the libraries used by crypto.
Name is the name of the library. VerNum is the numeric version according to the library's own versioning scheme. VerStr contains a text variant of the version.
> info_lib().
[{<<"OpenSSL">>,9469983,<<"OpenSSL 0.9.8a 11 Oct 2005">>}]
From OTP R16 the numeric version represents the version of the OpenSSL header files (openssl/opensslv.h) used when crypto was compiled. The text variant represents the OpenSSL library used at runtime. In earlier OTP versions both numeric and text was taken from the library.
Computes the function N^P mod M.
next_iv(Type, Data) -> NextIVec
next_iv(Type, Data, IVec) -> NextIVec
Returns the initialization vector to be used in the next iteration of encrypt/decrypt of type Type. Data is the encrypted data from the previous iteration step. The IVec argument is only needed for des_cfb as the vector used in the previous iteration step.
private_decrypt(Type, ChipherText, PrivateKey, Padding) -> PlainText
Decrypts the ChipherText, encrypted with public_encrypt/4 (or equivalent function) using the PrivateKey, and returns the plaintext (message digest). This is a low level signature verification operation used for instance by older versions of the SSL protocol. See also public_key:decrypt_private/[2,3]
private_encrypt(Type, PlainText, PrivateKey, Padding) -> ChipherText
Encrypts the PlainText using the PrivateKey and returns the ciphertext. This is a low level signature operation used for instance by older versions of the SSL protocol. See also public_key:encrypt_private/[2,3]
public_decrypt(Type, ChipherText, PublicKey, Padding) -> PlainText
Decrypts the ChipherText, encrypted with private_encrypt/4(or equivalent function) using the PrivateKey, and returns the plaintext (message digest). This is a low level signature verification operation used for instance by older versions of the SSL protocol. See also public_key:decrypt_public/[2,3]
public_encrypt(Type, PlainText, PublicKey, Padding) -> ChipherText
Encrypts the PlainText (message digest) using the PublicKey and returns the CipherText. This is a low level signature operation used for instance by older versions of the SSL protocol. See also public_key:encrypt_public/[2,3]
Generates N bytes randomly uniform 0..255, and returns the result in a binary. Uses the crypto library pseudo-random number generator.
Generate a random number N, Lo =< N < Hi. Uses the crypto library pseudo-random number generator. Hi must be larger than Lo.
sign(Algorithm, DigestType, Msg, Key) -> binary()
Creates a digital signature.
Algorithm dss can only be used together with digest type sha.
See also public_key:sign/3
Equivalent to application:start(crypto).
Equivalent to application:stop(crypto).
strong_rand_bytes(N) -> binary()
Generates N bytes randomly uniform 0..255, and returns the result in a binary. Uses a cryptographically secure prng seeded and periodically mixed with operating system provided entropy. By default this is the RAND_bytes method from OpenSSL.
May throw exception low_entropy in case the random generator failed due to lack of secure "randomness".
stream_init(Type, Key) -> State
Initializes the state for use in RC4 stream encryption stream_encrypt and stream_decrypt
stream_init(Type, Key, IVec) -> State
Initializes the state for use in streaming AES encryption using Counter mode (CTR). Key is the AES key and must be either 128, 192, or 256 bts long. IVec is an arbitrary initializing vector of 128 bits (16 bytes). This state is for use with stream_encrypt and stream_decrypt.
stream_encrypt(State, PlainText) -> { NewState, CipherText}
Encrypts PlainText according to the stream cipher Type specified in stream_init/3. Text can be any number of bytes. The initial State is created using stream_init. NewState must be passed into the next call to stream_encrypt.
stream_decrypt(State, CipherText) -> { NewState, PlainText }
Decrypts CipherText according to the stream cipher Type specified in stream_init/3. PlainText can be any number of bytes. The initial State is created using stream_init. NewState must be passed into the next call to stream_encrypt.
Can be used to determine which crypto algorithms that are supported by the underlying OpenSSL library
verify(Algorithm, DigestType, Msg, Signature, Key) -> boolean()
Verifies a digital signature
Algorithm dss can only be used together with digest type sha.
See also public_key:verify/4